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Not relocating to Philippines.

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by Ozzyguy, Jul 1, 2022.

  1. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

    Trophy Points:
    Wirral near Liverpool UK
    +1,220 / 240
    If you find a safe haven let me know, the whole world is in a mess right now! I haven't given up on the UK just yet!
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  2. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    I returned to UK just over 2 months ago and there is a lot to be said about the benefits of living here, especially in Scotland the Chosen Land, quite a few people did tell me before I left PH that the cost of living there would shock me as the price of food has rocketed, well I have found this not to be the case, eating a more western type of diet in PH is much more expensive than here in the UK, but that also can be said of the Filipino diet, you can buy a Kilo of rice here in UK for P30 this is a Long grain supermarket own brand, back in PH I seem to remember the price of rice there ranges from around P40 to around P60, a Kilo of sugar here in UK is P45, I believe it is near double that in PH, Beer and wine prices here in UK are not all that bad all things considered, A litre of good German beer here costs P180 in a Supermarket, back in PH buying Beer by the case it is around P120 per Litre but this is of inferior quality in my opinion? Wine here in a UK supermarket, there is just too many to choose from, but there will always be one or two of the well-known brands on offer, for around P330 per bottle, I seem to remember that price of petrol back there is around P82 per litre, in UK it is P120, but the much improved driving style in UK plus not needing to use AC all that often you can get almost half again the mileage per tank of fuel, car insurance is also less expensive here than there.

    Housing now that is really expensive here in UK, to rent and run (paying council tax and energy costs) a small 2bed apartment here is around P50K per month, in my case I own my ain wee hoose, this is a 4bed 128M2 Bungalow, my expenses to run this for one month is around P33K, if I lived in England? I could add 10 to 15% to these figures, it is not uncommon for an Englishman to cash in his assets and emigrate to Scotland, houses in England especially close to the big cities are often worth double the price of a similar hoose in Scotland? we call these immigrants White Settlers.
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  3. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

    Trophy Points:
    Wirral near Liverpool UK
    +1,220 / 240
    That reminds me of the farmer who after 50 years of living off the land, decided to sell up and retire.
    The Estate Agents described the property so nicely in their brochure with the asking price.
    The farmer returned to their office quite quickly and said take it off the market!..........I've been looking for a place like that all my life!!
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    Last edited: Sep 22, 2022