Holy Cow! You guys can be funny! My best friend became my life partner and he was quite a bit older than me when we married. We spent 29 years together and he was the best mate ever. Although I had wished from time to time that we were closer in age, it was a wish for us to have more good years together. Looking back, I've no regrets as we had a wonderful relationship. I'd rather have had 10 wonderful years than 40 years of hell. I know some women/men may only be looking for that "Sugar Daddy/Momma" thing, but my mate wasn't one of those (nor was I) -- and I know we chose each other for all the good and life-long reasons. I guess it all depends on what life presents to you, what you value, and all the rest of it. But I think it's possible to have a good relationship with a mate that is older/younger than you. V/R, nwlivewire
I believe there was an Indian man who lived to be the record holder at 165 years of age. At the tender age of 110 he married a teenager who wasn't looking forward to throwing herself on his funeral pyre. As luck would have it, she only lived into her 50's and she was saved from that fate. Not bad for a guy who worked as a laborer on the Suez canal.
Frankly.... I think a dead man could even cut mustard. Could we perhaps bump it up to a block of Parmesan ?
True but you may be hanging out with the wrong people if that's what you hear. There are many very happily married and dating couples who have an age difference who have a health relationship based on love, trust and respect. It's the bar girls and free lancers at why not and similar places who talk like that because they are working girls! Note: this is not an attack on anyone but a statement of fact from living here and understanding the language so I know what they are saying behind all our backs. There are nice girls who truly love their BF/Spouse irregardless of age and their are working girls who do it for the security and cash. I edited my reply to use better language and attempt to NOT offend anyone or make it a personal attack. DaveD
I wasn't hearing to from bargirls and the such which would have made much more sense. But meeting the occasional older foreigner before who had a young honey on his arm and when the girls get talking it all comes out. Usually is involving not your decent looking 50ish year old but the 60-70+ real fat and ugly by our standards foreigner who is with some 18-19 year old girl. But I did find once the girl hit 20+ the negatively behind his back seemed to drop off considerably and 25+ seemed to be non existent (unless he was just a complete a$$hole and abuser all the time). But yah, age matters to some extent but not all that much as long as both agree on similar goals. A 20ish some could be happy with a 50-60+ as long as she's accepting that he probably doesn't want kids and if does may very not be around to see them grow up (depending on the age). That seems to be the real catch and as long as she stays fine with that when it applies then all good. Not looking to offend anyone also but just calling it like I see it. Very few times have I seen an 18-19 year old with an old foreigner and its really about loving him and not his wallet and not talking about a 40 or even 50 year old as the *old guy*.
Hard to think it is about the money when the guy's retirement is $800/month or less. Then again maybe that is me using my definition of enough to make a relationship possibly "about the money" and not a local's.
When a lot of the girls would be making less then $150 a month and having to either live at home supporting family or living in a boarding house paying all her own expenses that $800 a month looks pretty darned good.
So younger guys don't have that much? Or the girls are ignoring the young guys and going for older guys with LESS money?