i have to say this topic really mystifies me. i just checked the world factbook on obesity by country published by the CIA and found in wiki which ranks the philippines as number 168 out of 191 countries. US is number 12. no dates were noted in my very brief look at this for what period was used for this data but i assume fairly recently. what am i missing here? i have not personally witnessed what i thought was any significant obesity here. just asking
what i am finding is body fat for men from 20 to 26 percent for the army depending on age, same for navy. women get an extra 10 percent in all catagories. neither of the sources were dated tho
I think if you track back on the post Shabby the gist of it is that it's a ticking time bomb. The bomb has long since exploded in Western countries. The Philippines has the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of other societies, but I suspect not the wherewithal nor the societal will to stop it.
Having just read the o/p on Obesity.......and parts of the other pages. My experience on my visits tells me there are two major reasons for obesity, amongst Rich n Poor Filipino's. The rich tend to eat what they like, when they like, while those less fortunate tend to eat what fills their bellies as cheap as possible and in both cases not necessarily healthy. It also seems to be a status thing to have overweight children! Sadly those without incomes eat little and less often and remain undernourished and thin.......just a observation....JB
well i appreciate the point of view and i know there has been a lot of commentary about asians moving to the US and gaining weight. however in looking at the ranking of countries by obesity virtually all of the asian countries rank quite low on the obesity scale with the phils being just ahead of china. india, japan, south korea and north korea all slightly "skinnier". i cannot imagine circumstances that will change the phils position on this scale significantly. philstar posted the results of a phone survey related to covied a week or so ago. per them, over 20 percent of all filipinos are reporting being hungry "all the time" and 40 plus percent, "some of the time". the very poorest of filipinos would have not made this survey if they don't have a phone my partner has skyrocketed up to 83 pounds as of yesterday after 7 years of eating on my budget. all of this gain in the last year as she approaches her 33 year of life. i guess that might slide into a "ticking time bomb" senario, lol. well anyway, no fight from me, just quiet dissent. i don't see it happening.