Are you saying I am not logical? Please attack the issue not the individual. The boss (@Rye83) said ad hominem reactions are not welcome on this forum. Ad hominem means directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
I will keep this short and non-religious- true story - takes to long for full story but pm me if curious. While in the military, after 3 days of 107 degree fever I expired and had an out of body experience. I floated out of my body, up and down, while my spirit looked down at my body in the hospital bed. I then went into a coma but somehow woke up after 3 days, the only survivor out of 10 of us. My takeaways are twofold. I know the pain goes away when you expire and I know you have a spirit.
I think you're right, but I don't know how to explain it to him without sounding potentially offensive, something I always try to avoid.
Please explain. Do not hide behind your desire not to be offensive. This is just an excuse to not produce the explanation. Which can only lead us to believe that you cannot produce the explanation.
I "think" you didn't interpret my post correctly, leading you to feel a certain kind of way you might not have, had you read and understood what I wrote fully. That's all. If you go back and read it, then read your response, maybe you'll see what I'm talking about. Or you can be upset. I wouldn't want to take away someone's free will.
I am not a believer so telling me what you think based on Faith would be pointless. Also, I understand there is an issue about drinking beer in Christianity - so I'll stay on the safe side and remain teetotal. However, I will finish this conversation with you by saying how much I respect you for your beliefs - just because I don't share them does not make them any less valid to you. Clearly you are very nice people - that may be in part be due to your Faith or that is what you would have been even if non-believers. I am aware that people with Faith have something (and fellow believers) to support them in times of troubles and that is a good thing - I just cannot accept what you have accepted. But best wishes.
Interesting - but at times of high body temperature (which increases brain temperature) the likelihood of hallucinating is increased. When under anaesthetic there seems to be no awareness; when sleeping there is no 'awareness' but just dreaming due to the action of a functioning brain; I have no memory of what I was before I was born and I assume the same will be true after I have died.
Some sinners go to Church to be forgiven .... then they sin again and the cycle continues. So what if they sin and get killed on the way to Church before they had a chance to be forgiven (yet again) - is that bad luck and they go to Hell (or good luck in your reasoning )?