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Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by Show Pony, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. JoyDelicacies

    JoyDelicacies DI Member

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    thank you for your kind words. There is no issue with beer and Christianity the alcohol issue is only with man's religion. This brings on an issue with how some Christians view beer or any alcohol but it is not an issue to me. I drink one beer maybe every 3 months or so. I think it is good for the system.
    When I said I would gladly have a conversation with you I had in mind explaining the facts that surround the fulfilled prophecy in scripture, which I think you said you would be interested in hearing. I realize that you are not interested in my faith and I have no problem with that. I also am keenly aware that almost no one cares what I think and I have gotten used to that. I too wish you the best.
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  2. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    And the Lord said unto John, "come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.
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  3. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    You conception of heaven and hell is incorrect. What makes you think that Christians don't drink? Jesus drank wine. The Bible tells us of wine in heaven.

    Hell on the other hand, is nothing but eternal torment.

    And it isn't good people that go to heaven, it is those that have accepted the gift of salvation. Although once you accept the gift, you do become good. But just being good does not get you in the Gate.

    In another post you said that people go to church to be forgiven when they sin. Again, not true. Church is for fellowship and learning about the Gospel and salvation, a lesson that many Churches no longer teach, it is really hard to find a good Church. When we sin, we ask for forgiveness, we don't go to Church for that, it is given freely, even though we probably don't deserve it.

    But you are correct on the cycle. It began from the beginning. God creates everything good, then gives use the rules for his continued love and mercy. We become disobedient. God metes out his punishment. We realize our disobedience and plead for forgiveness. God hears us, decides we have been punished enough, forgives us and showers us with love and affection. The cycle never stops.
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  4. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    No one mentions Purgatory. I imagine it would be torment and no wine. Something like we have been experiencing....
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  5. you_have_been_removed

    you_have_been_removed DI Forum Adept

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    The problem is That you sound logical, coherent and sensible, THATS OFFENSIVE
  6. JoyDelicacies

    JoyDelicacies DI Member

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    Purgatory is also called Limbo. It was sold by the Roman Catholic Church for centuries. This century the pope said Limbo was not a correct concept and it would no longer be taught. When they announced they had stopped teaching Limbo, I thought to myself, "what's next? break dancing?"
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  7. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't see why anyone should be offended. You have the right to state your opinion on any subject, the same as everyone else. We have free will to read it or not. As Rye said, there is also an 'off' button for a whole thread which can be used.

    I think what non-believers object to is if someone of Faith pins them down and insists on them listening to something they are not interested in - but that is not the case here. Just read a posting if you want and ignore it if you don't. By all means, have a conversation about it if the ideas interest you, but keep it pleasant and respectful. The conversation should be about different views, not a lecture on why one is wrong.
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  8. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Whilst on the subject of unusual experiences (as related by @PatO) has anyone experienced what might be pre-cognition (knowing an event before it happened).

    Two examples of mine: I was gardening when I had a strong feeling of concern about a person - I dropped my tools and immediately contacted the person's daughter and asked her to phone her mother asap. The mother said she was feeling very ill but afraid to go to hospital. The daughter contacted a nearby relative who took her to hospital. She had a very serious gall bladder infection - left too long and she may have died. Note: This was an event already occurring but of which I had no knowledge (only the mother was aware of it).

    In another case a long-lost friend came to my house. I had not seen him for many years and was not aware he knew where I lived. But about four times prior to that I found myself looking up from what I was doing and staring at my front door and 'seeing' him there, with a woman whom I did not recognise - a few weeks later I answered a knock at my door and he was there, with his 'new' wife. They were dressed almost identically to what I saw in my imagination (or precognition). But again this was in a way an event that had already happened as they had visited an old address of mine a few weeks before - I was not aware of that.

    Many other events have occurred after I said something connected with them - my ex-wife and current wife both noticed that.

    In both cases above instead of pre-cognition it could be receiving some form of energy from another person - after all, the Universe is energy.

    Anyone experienced anything similar?

    I know someone on this forum (a very bright guy*) who is an expert in brains - perhaps he will have some insights if he wishes to comment. [*OMG - I sound like Trump!].

    And no, I was not hitting the booze and no, I cannot predict the lotto (if so, then I would have an ocean-view home with swimming pool and yacht in some amazing country).
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    Last edited: May 13, 2020
  9. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Been around all this time and yet first time I heard of 'toe jam'. I need to get out more .... Oh, I can't!
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  10. eskirvin

    eskirvin DI Forum Adept Blood Donor Veteran Navy

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    I'm offended that you find that offensive, maybe. I don't know...
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