i was awaken one night by my mother pounding on my chest, shouting ''i'm dying, i'm dying.'' then the fone rang and it was my sister 2 thousand miles away informing me that my mother just passed.
Very interesting - my mother, very much into strange occurrences, told me she heard three knocks when someone close (relative usually) had died, but this was said after she had been informed of the death. Also, she had a 'blood charm' which she would read if anyone had a cut - she was sure it worked but it took a while for her to get the paper it was written on and to read it silently, so I am guessing blood clotting played a big part!
I've seldom been wrong when I wasn't right, and seldom right when I wasn't wrong, or was it the other way around? I forget.
The best way they should teach the young about God. Gather them all in a classroom. Then never show up.