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Off-topic Thread

Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by Show Pony, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    This thread is an "off-topic" thread, nobody started it. I just throw off-topic posts from other threads into this one to avoid the cries from a few "personally types" that see any moderation/alteration to their posts as a major transgression against their civil liberties. You can pick any post you like here and go with that conversation.
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  2. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    God could have done that as soon as mankind entered into sin. But he also gave us free will. It is our choice.

    Many wonder why God lets bad things happen. What many don't understand is that there is a war going on, good versus evil. It will end someday and many believe we are getting closer and closer. There are still some prophecies yet to come. But if you believe in God and the Bible, then you can see what prophecies have already been fulfilled, and they were written hundreds of years before the event.

    I think that the prophecy in Ezekiel 38 & 39, will be eye opening for many when it occurs. The stage of which is being set even today with Russia reasserting itself into the Middle East and allying with Syria and Iran.

    I know there are people out there that absolutely refuse to believe, I get that. It makes me feel bad because I know the alternative they have chose. Some are saying that the Pope and the church doing what they do is not right. I agree and I seriously believe that God disapproves too. He will take care of that in His time. I always say, it is right to hate what is evil, but just because you are angry with the Church and some leaders in it, doesn't mean you should be angry with God.
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  3. you_have_been_removed

    you_have_been_removed DI Forum Adept

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    My only gripe is that they dont keep it to themselves, its their toy, let them play with it (at home)no need to end every comment/sentence/rant with some alignment to something that doesnt
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  4. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    A lot of Kool Aid has been drank with this line of thinking over the last few thousand years. The end times are always near, many people have even put an exact date on, yet it never seems to come.

    Ezekiel 38:39 is, like all prophecies, extremely vague. It can be interpreted to fit any narrative and event in the region. Odd how lands people didn't know existed are left out of prophecies or just covered in vague terms (lands to the east/west/north/south). Anyone can predict anything using that type of language.
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  5. Always a Poppy

    Always a Poppy DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    More people have died as a result of religion (any religion) than disease (not actually calculated, but you get my point).
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  6. you_have_been_removed

    you_have_been_removed DI Forum Adept

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    • User banned from topic for making personal attacks.
    Angry with god............YOU DONT GET IT.........I dont believe in any gods...so dont be preaching to me as if you are on a higher shelf.........you are campaigning on behalf of NOTHING, just an idea in an empty head.........If people refuse to believe in your catholic insecurities dont try to brainwash them, only the easily led "are easily led"
    to be quoting from a books, and I say books, because their are several versions, and constantly updated to suit the rams in Rome, keep them in their Gucci's and Gold altars with doctrine that keeps the poor poor, the rams rich............so you continue to believe that this Virus, drought, world hunger the rape and murder of innocent women and children is all in YOUR gods work, so when and if you get on your knees, be sure to commend him for all the misery/murder that he allows to happen on an hourly basis since he appeared in dark corners of insecure sponges, who want to pass all responsibility of their lifes decisions on to another WHO NEVER EXISTED
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  7. you_have_been_removed

    you_have_been_removed DI Forum Adept

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    People are on the whole good humans, RELIGION no doubt has fuxxed the world
    RELIGION is like the traffic warden.......if he wasnt there the traffic would flow a little slow but everyone would get where the are going, when he is there DIRECTING, ITS A DISASTER
  8. anti_crazy

    anti_crazy DI Forum Adept

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    I have grown up. As a child I enjoyed believing in Santa and the Easter bunny. Good memories.
    As for hell, my beliefs have modified over the years. The concept of Hell can mean anything. Case in point; That youtube video that when viral of the foreigner who came bursting out of his house all hot and bothered because his maid was told to wear a mask. His ego got the best of him. He did not read the situation correctly. He lacked the wisdom to choose his battles wisely. And then got to experience a piece of Hell on earth; arrested, loss of dignity. His cognitive behavior/habits are a form of Hell. Lots of people suffer this form of hell. Too much ego with little or no sense of modesty or humility. They get triggered too easy.

    Jesus spoke of being humble, that does not mean being weak. You turn the other cheek to a simple verbal insult, but if evil attacks with physical confrontation and you have no way to side-step you have the God given right to put down the threat. Humble means choose you battles wisely.
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  9. JoyDelicacies

    JoyDelicacies DI Member

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    As you well know there is not only "A" and "B" to choose from, there is a whole alphabet. I would never presume to tell anyone that they are wrong or even make a judgement on what they decide. That is their business and their decision. Whatever a person chooses from atheism on up is personal and as with any other choice individuals make, it is not my business unless it infringes on me.
    However, you asked the question so I will answer but only for myself. I realize that many make fun of or mock the Bible and point out all of the faults that they perceive from a human standpoint. We could discuss the so called mistakes and seeming contradictions at great length. This is done every day all over the world and it is interesting but there is no profit in it. Although faith has to come into play at some point for true belief, most, but not all, of the perceived problems with the Bible as being the ultimate authority can be overcome with logic and knowledge. That logic and knowledge can get really lengthy and is not something we can get fully into here.
    There is one basic thing that is easy to explain and it is the one thing that sold me in the beginning of my faith journey over 50 years ago. That is the fact that about one third of the Bible is prophecy and about two thirds of that prophecy have been fulfilled perfectly. Bible prophecy is not like other prophecy where the references are vague, general, or slightly "off", like Nostradamus's reference to "Hister". They are accurate and fulfilled perfectly. These prophecies are about many things. There are about 340 predictions in the Old Testament about Christ's first coming. They predicted where He would come from, what He would do, how He would live and die, and the resurrection. These prophecies are very detailed and have come to pass exactly as described. As one example, the day that Christ would present Himself to Israel, the Triumphal Entry or Palm Sunday, was predicted to the day over 400 years in advance by Daniel. The Roman Catholic church used to teach that the book of Daniel was written after Christ's coming because they did not believe the prophecy could have been written so accurately 400 years prior to the event. When the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered there was a copy of Daniel, a copy that is to the letter identical to other known copies, that dated to 200 years BC.
    If you write a book and tell me it is all true and include 1000 things that will happen next month in great detail and 600 of them come to pass exactly as predicted, I will believe the other 400 with full faith, and the rest of what you tell me too, even if some is bizarre. That is my logic and where my faith is based. People say, "yes, but .......". My answer is usually "I don't know, but this is why I believe".
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  10. grandpainak

    grandpainak DI Forum Patron Showcase Reviewer

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    I was under the BELIEF that this Religions :poop: was not to be used as a subject matter on here! So HOW did this Religions :poop: thread get to where it is now?
    I have been bitting my tung for a couple of days now because I know anything I wright here about this Religions :poop: will be taken out of context. So I try hard to keep my mouth shut. I for one believe that my religions belief and my sexual orientation is no one's Fa-Kings business. I do not go around trying to convince other people to think as I do or change their sexual orientation to the same as mine.
    I do not really care what your religions belief or your sexual orientation is as long as you do not try to PUSH IT OFF ON ME. This entire thread makes me want to :vomit::depressed::devilish:
    I really hope that the people in control here would delete this entire thread.
    Can we get back to something more intelligent here?

    My two centavos.
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    Last edited: May 12, 2020