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OK, So Now What do I Do?

Discussion in '☋ Tourist Information ☋' started by davfitz, Aug 7, 2010.

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  1. davfitz

    davfitz DI Forum Adept

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    This one is just for our im-moderater Rhoody, who does NOT share my affection for the Philippines largest airline, Cepu Pacific.

    I've been making my usual future bookings (Jun-Aug 2011) to take advantage of the current seat sale. Being full of mischief and caffeine, I decided that we should go someplace - just because we could.

    So now Annabelle and I are booked from Cebu to Clark 24-31 August 2011. She is convinced that we will be struck by one of next year's typhoons. So, why did I do it? Because our all inclusive return airfare will be PP1133.44.

    OK, so now what do I do? Any thoughts?
  2. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    we just miss... I am up there from 13 - 23 ...
    here some things to do there.

    1st you can visit the Dane and ask him about his Cebu Pathetic Flight (same route) last Monday :D ... be prepared to arrive a bit late in Clark.

    Typhoon or not, I recommend to get some different and real food into the stomach during your stay.
    Clark and Base specific, The Holiday Inn has 2 outstanding Dinner Buffets (ground floor and fifth floor).

    Also at the Base Yats Restaurant & Wine Club probably the best fine dining I had in the PI.

    Also highly recommended C'Italian where the Pannizza Escapedia is a "must do"... that with the Pasta meatballs is an awesome meal for 2.

    Fortune is a Chinese Restaurant at the highest level and valuable prices. Also some great real Japanese Restaurants around.

    Anyway, if weather permits, throw in a few days Subic and feed chicken to Tigers at Zoobic during a Jeepney Safari through the Zoo, watch the dolphin show (or swim with them) at the Ocean Adventure Park or make a Trip to the Pinatubo.

    If a Typhoon hits... more food ....

    Enjoy your Trip

  3. The Dane

    The Dane DI Senior Member

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    I was just on a 2 week tour of the Visayas.

    The tour involved 3 flights - 2 of them with Cebu Pathetic and one with PAL...

    Guess which 2 were delayed :smile:

    Prize is seat in between Rhoody and I on our next Cebu Pathetic flight (prize is subject to availability and weather conditions)
  4. OP

    davfitz DI Forum Adept

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    Both of you might have missed a fine point. The current seat sale is for travel Jun - Aug 2011. It was my first experience in bookings more than 11 months into the future.

    Flight delays are admittedly routine with CP. I've yet to have one cancelled, as you might experience with the other carrier.

    Hey, the prices are so cheap that I'd even travel between you two! The current "deal" was far cheaper than the cabfare I used to pay to the Ottawa airport.
  5. The Dane

    The Dane DI Senior Member

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    True price is right, which is why we keep putting up with them...
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