Seems for the most part members have been doing good at policing ourselves. If sparks start to fly, a moderator is quickly onboard with a fire hose.
Folks, it is not like we have to be at work early in the morning or late at night. Peace and amping.
Suggestion Best Posts in Thread: ''on topic forum'' anyone
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I guess it makes it a bit more democratic and gives members the ability to veto off-topic/negative ratings if they can obtain a super-majority vote on it.-
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An emoji for off topic might be a good idea. That would allow people to remind someone they've gone astray.
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I marked one post here as off-topic so you can see how that will look. (NMRN, since you are the king of off-topic postings I selected one of yours.)
Please remember that this is not a true negative rating the same as an abhorrent or trolling rating. People should not take offense to receiving one.
Please report your post if you feel you have been given one you did not deserve.-
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Last edited: Jan 16, 2021 -
I added an Off-Topic rating. It is currently a neutral rating. If I can find a way to move posts automatically I will do that but I don't think that is possible without coding a custom add-on for the forum software. (I'm not going to do.)
I'm thinking about making them a negative rating so that the posts are "soft-hidden". This would mean (I think) they wouldn't show up on the new posts page once they have a certain number of off-topic ratings but you could still see them if you were in the thread and opted to see them by pushing a button. This would hold true for other negative ratings as well. If I go this route I will remove public negative rating visibility and all account restrictions that come along with accumulating them.
I will make a test run on this to see how it works out. I think this will limit the visibility of off-topic posts (and the frequency of replies to off-topic posts) without restricting posters ability to have a bit of fun in thread if users actually use the rating as it is intended. As always, abusers of post ratings will have their ability to leave ratings removed.
Now, let's see how many people this pisses off. I give it a week before someone is crying about their posts getting suppressed.-
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i like a joke as much as anyone but i don't follow a thread to see it turn into an off topic joke. in fact i find it annoying, when i click on a thread only to see that the original post has been taken over by jokes or gone off topic.
i'm on discussion forums where members go off topic by posting the topic title with a 'was' before it which opens a new thread leaving the original thread intact.
on this forum, a person that wanted to stray from the original post could open a new tab/window in the off topic forum, joke forum or whatever forum applies and open a new topic and label it; joke was; (post original thread title here w/o the brackets) and post their reply there.
does that make sense???
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The forum has a feature that allows you to add multiple posts to a clipboard. This is done by finding the posts you want to quote and clicking the + Quote button. Each time you do this it will add the post to the clipboard for later use. When you type your reply you press the "Insert Quotes" button and select the post you want to quote.-
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