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Best Posts in Thread: One foreigner dead and two critical in shooting

  1. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    If there are two of them I'm not waiting around to find out if the other one has a gun or knife. I also wouldn't know if they guy I pulled the gun from didn't have another deadly weapon. If a gun is pulled on me and I manage to get a hold of it I'm shooting the guy who pulled it. I have no respect for the life of those kinds of people, the world is a better place without them alive.
    If the guy was shot in the stomach that would tell me he likely wasn't trying to retreat. I wouldn't shoot a guy in the back (at least I would like to think I wouldn't, I very well might get caught up in the moment and pull the trigger anyway....though I would have the gun aimed at him the whole time in hope of him turning around. Even if I did I wouldn't see it as my fault, without that scum pulling a weapon and trying to rob me the situation would have never happened.)
    Remember where we are. A funeral is cheaper than a hospital bill. If a person has to pay off some scum's family you might as well do the world a favor (and save yourself some money) and throw him in a grave. The gut shot was a good idea though, at least he will live for awhile to really appreciate the pain of being shot. Getting shot in the head is far to nice of a fate for such people.
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  2. Frodo

    Frodo DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I know this original post is from months ago, but I just read it and I wanted to share my thoughts. I agree we should not expect a security guard to defend us, which is why I advocate our Filipina wives/girlfriends get a License To Own & Possess Firearms (LTOPF) and a Permit To Carry (PTC) the firearm (or firearms).

    In China a few months ago some crazy man pulled a knife on a bus and ALL of the passengers on the bus -- including many women -- immediately rushed towards the man and subdued him. I am a strong advocate of people defending other people.

    If I am in a restaurant and someone starts shooting I will grab by girlfriend's .45 ACP (which is loaded with hollow point bullets) and neutralize the shooter. If my gf happens to have both of her .45 ACPs with her then we'll both be shooting. She's an excellent shot and one of the 45s is fitted with a laser sight so the odds are definitely in our favor.

    My gf's uncle is a PNP Police Superintendent and we discussed this scenario months ago. He said it is lawful for me to employ my gf's weapon/weapons in a restaurant to neutralize an attacker -- even if the attacker, or attackers, are targeting someone else. I believe he is correct, but even if it was illegal I would still neutralize the attacker/attackers.

    I understand the thing about the bean & burritos, but I will not sit back and watch someone being attacked. Then again, I am a (retired) military officer so it's my nature to take action. I do not know if any customers were armed in the McDonald's at the time of this shooting, but I can guarantee you the bad guys better not have the bad luck of trying this sh*t in a restaurant I am in!
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  3. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    From the article:"Velos, he said, was involved in several robberies in the south and was previously linked to a shootout with Talisay City policemen last Jan. 22, during a follow-up operation." Velos was the accused killer. So if he was linked to shootout and robberies why was out and about, and why was it so easy to capture him? Obvious from the article they knew where he lived." The police went to Velos’s house in Barangay San Isidro and caught him past 5 p.m."

    It seems possible that between pressure of McDonalds, and the fact that a foreigner was killed may have been enough for the police to stop using their phones to text their friends and go and get the accuse at his know residence... the robberies and shout out with Talisay City Policemen ... nay...not enough to bother getting up, let the guy kill a couple of more guys first... I am watching a U-tube videos on my phone now... its funny.. I will get him next month... maybe....:wink: Awww sh*t the SOB killed a foreigner and screwed with an international brand name, instead of just killing his own kind.... Now we have to get to work.
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    Last edited: Feb 21, 2015
  4. Cletus

    Cletus DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    My old crazy uncle used to say, "I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6". For non americans that is trial by jury of your peers.
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  5. albundy

    albundy DI Junior Member

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    maybe u right,JACK,not ment to offend , it just pissed me off to read how many react when they have a dispute,
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  6. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Last edited: Feb 21, 2015