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Over Age 70

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by Third_Times_A_Charm, Oct 19, 2020.

  1. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    That is what I would like to see with health insurance. You can buy life insurance, car insurance, home owners insurance and renters insurance in most countries and tailor it to your personal needs and even transfer from area to area in a country. Why can't we do this with health insurance? The needs of a young healthy person would vary greatly from other age groups and those that are single versus those that have families. What is so hard with that concept that health insurers and government legislators seem to be the only ones that don't get it? Imagine a government coming out mandating that you have a $50 deductible only on your car insurance, or mandating that every homer owner possess flood insurance?
  2. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Health Insurance....Known fact that private medical Insurance cover works this way. The older you get the more you pay.
    My sister and her husband had private medical insurance most of their business life here in UK ( Bupa ), when they retired the yearly fees started going up and up.
    Till when it hit £3000 a year they decided enough is enough and now rely on the good old National Health Service. I wish I had the money they spent over the years. LOL.
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  3. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I did the same thing - and as soon as a claim is made they find you had neo-natal jaundice 70 years ago and dismiss the claim (Source?: I made it up as an example).
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  4. garbonzo

    garbonzo DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    Bit late now - but just for info.....It was an artery down south - not the aorta....Supplies blood to the legs....and the lack of blood for a while meant my legs are about 80% of what they were. I'm not going to do a marathon but walking a k or 2 daily is ok....They did fix it up as best they could and I feel fine except for the leg weakness....Not a huge issue at my age - I would expect worse. Wife has retired.....from her nurse job at a local hospital....she will go to Negros soon to visit relatives (finally after Wuhan virus killed travel from and to Australia) and stay a while to evaluate things. We will see....I feel fine and working on the leg circulation daily.....currently 10 km a day on the exercise bike with moderate resistance. I think on current trend-line that Bacolod or Dumageute is likely. Pity my favourite relative there on Negros, an uncle who died from the Wuhan virus.....his wife almost died and is still suffering. I really feel the loss of such a great man and his wonderful dedication to helping the poor. Just because I want people to know - his name was Nestor Gabalda....an extremely successful businessman (owned sugar and electrical companies across the Visayas)....but also a very pious Catholic who sponsored probably hundreds of young students up to and thru university. Many of which he hired after they graduated. Many of which were the children of his very own employees! It is hard to imagine an employer who pays fairly - and pays for the entire education of your children...That was Nestor......He grew up poor....and remembered what a helping hand would have been worth.

    I really miss Nestor he was a kind and yet lively friend - always with an opinion - and always so helpful. China killed him with their virus - and the Phillipines lost a very, very rare angel. But his good works will live on for generations - those graduates are moving forward in life and so are their children. An amazing fact - he actually lived in a house in downtown Bacolod.....a house he bought with his earnings in the early 1980's after he had a few taxis in his first successful company....That house was the same house he died living in. Of course he made it larger and more comfortable for his wife and kids....It was still the same house they always knew though - and the same house we enjoyed visiting and even staying. Minimal security....everyone knew - Nestor was special.

    What is the point of writing this about Nestor? People like him do happen...even in the Philippines.....So rare...we should treasure them when we know them.....
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