Dumaguete Info Search

permanent visa?

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by minime, Jun 24, 2010.

  1. minime

    minime DI Member

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    finally we are here in dumaguete. I am enjoying my stay but have so much difficulty understanding the bisaya dialect . I just have a question i would be greatfull to have a help on. If I have a filipino passport is it possible for my husband who is an iranian to get permanent visa? what's the procedure because i was told by the immigration here to call manila for this matter. is there any chance of him to be given permanent visa?
  2. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    I guess it is possible, but first you will have to prove that he is your husband and that your marriage was lawful and is recognized as a marriage by the PI government. The process may also be guided by the type of agreement the PI has with Iran, one reason you may need to be interviewed by the BI first. I would also bet there are a lot more requirements other than that you have a PI passport, like are you really a citizen and can you prove it for starters?
  3. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    My suggestion,

    go to the BI in Duma (accross Holy Child) talk to Peter Bueno directly and write down EVERYTHING.

    Of course you are in the PI and there will be more requirements than mentioned, but it will be a good starts.
  4. KTM

    KTM DI Senior Member

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    Atty Bueno will tell you to apply in Cebu (or Manila) for permanent residence visas.
    Dumaguete is too small an office.
    Be prepared for a lot of messing around, not to mention graft & corruption, multiple trips to Cebu(in my case), & usually a lot of wasted time & expense.
    Besides the money part, the actual documents requested (see BI website for the list, just Google it) bring a huge wad of patience with you, as well!
    There isn't really an easy way to do this, without spending/bribing lots of money, which I'm sure you don't want to do.....:wink::D