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Philippines Expanded Travel Ban

Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by redhorse, Mar 13, 2020.

  1. Mr. Reddit

    Mr. Reddit DI Member

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    Are you referring to Dumaguete? Can you be more specific as to the lockdown? Ferry traffic to and from other islands suspended? I am going to call the immigration office tomorrow as well as check out the ferry services to find out their status. I am on Siquijor and need to travel to Dumaguete on Tuesday. The last thing i need is to arrive in Dumaguete just to find out that there will be no return ferry to Siquijor.
  2. grandpainak

    grandpainak DI Forum Patron Showcase Reviewer

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    There is all ways a pan boat. I can't imagine a midnight ride to Siquijor in a pan boat though.
    :nurse: better than :dead:.
  3. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    A curfew in bacong started yesterday. 9pm and im sure the rest will follow soon.
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  4. Philpots

    Philpots DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    I really dont understand this. Why on earth do you need some sort of governmental Decree on how to behave while this is going on. You all know its contagious. Most of you on here are adult and in just about all cases, old adult which means you are the most at risk. Stop travelling around unless its absolutely required, in other words, URGENT, keep yourself someone apart from others as best as you can, about 6 feet, thats not difficult, wash your hands and cough into a small towel or something. And if you find yourself with a runny nose, sore throat and a cough, self isolate and get medical advice. Why would you want to travel around on crowed transport while this going on is beyond belief.
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  5. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

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    I don't know.
    Actually in hindsight it may turn out that the local authorities have made a penny wise dollar foolish mistake. They intentionally did not impose restrictions because they did not want to disrupt the economy. At the early stages the only thing at risk was the foreign market tourist economy. But the problem is that once the virus takes hold locally the expected response is to put restrictions that force social distancing. Closing restaurants and non essential shops of the local domestic economy. At this point the local economy is really screwed and the economic cost is much more than if they simply shut down the foreign tourist market early. I use the term foreign tourist market relative to risk of contagion. From the point of view of Negros at first it was foreign countries, now it is Manila. Or from Cebu's point of view, Negros.

    It would have been much better to impose restrictions on foreign travel, (or now inter island travel) in order to preserve the local economy. Let the locals eat, drink, be merry and preserve the local economy.
  6. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    They are shooting themselves in the head. The Philippines is fully upheld by foreign money be it tourists, expats, OFW's, and foreign investment. They could take a hit to tourism and manage but it will be hard and hurt or kill a number of businesses. But going as far as they are will kill the foreign money flow which comes in and then trickles down through businesses that get that foreign money in business. Things like curfews as well as shutting down restaurants, bars, and public areas will severely hurt small business's and the workers who are more often poor themselves. Just ceres bus's shutting down a lot of travel instantly kills the income of all of those families reliant on selling all that stuff to bus passengers as well as a number of businesses along the route the bus's stop at for breaks which account for most of the places business.

    In reality, what is more important? The lives of a few thousand or the livelihood, health, and ability to feed their families for tens of millions of Filipino's?

    Take some basic precautions but don't shut down your economy in panic measures unless their is a major outbreak in a specific area.
  7. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    I think a lot of this is fear of the unknown and not accepting the statement you said above. Lot's of people die from diseases and we don't lockdown and quarantine everything. Take the flu or driving a car, but we understand those. I'm not saying we shouldn't take this seriously, but it wouldn't surprise me if the economic impact of the cure turns out to be as bad as the disease.
  8. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    Caution for this virus, yes, over reaction no.

    Yesterday I checked. World wide infected, less than 155,000. World Population, 7.8 BILLION.

    Philippine cases, under 100 positive tests. Philippine population a little more than 110 MILLION.

    Perspective please.
  9. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Quoting figures for the present when the outcome of this disease is unknown, even to experts, is pointless - as is comparing the influenza virus known epidemiology with the unknown coronavirus epidemiology in circulation now.

    What about the facts if we do make comparisons:

    *Current Philippine Covid-19 cases: 140 (40% more than you quoted) and 12 deaths. So near 9% fatality rate of infected cases AND fatality lags behind number of cases. I do accept though that this may be due to a lack of identifying all cases.
    *1918 flu pandemic: Death rate about 5% to 20% - figures differ a lot. At about 500 million cases that was about 27% of the world population. If the current outbreak was the same it means about 2 billion cases. 1918 flu killed an estimated 50 million people (some figures say 100 million). If coronavirus was the same (even at 10%) then it would kill 100 to 400 million people. I am aware that death rates are currently less than that worldwide but too many people are assuming it will remain so - ignoring the possibility of mutation(s) which can be more likely the more times the virus particle is cloned within hosts' cells.

    So no need to panic at this point, and I hope my view that the separate islands of the Philippines is a great bonus in halting the spread proves correct, but certainly not the time for people to argue against the only measures available to help get through this crisis.

    It takes just one person to destroy a life but the whole community needs to work together to save lives.
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    Last edited: Mar 16, 2020
  10. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    For fatality rates, the proper denominator to use is not obtained by simple arithmetic since we do not know the number of total infections and they cannot take into account the time period between infection and death. So on any given day, the number of infected people is much larger than the data shows and the time lag to obtain the proper numerator of fatalities plus future fatalities due to past infections is somewhat larger. However, some experts seem to agree that when the proper estimates are applied to numerator and denominator, the overall fatality rate is less than 1% which is still 10x greater than common flu at 0.1%.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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