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Philippines - Teenage Pregnancy Has Increased 70% in 10 Years

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by SteveB, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    So after all this much discussion, when will we assemble for a demonstration at the Boulevard against the mighty Catholic Church and it's influence in this country, anybody willing to burn in hell for it...
  2. brian ausie

    brian ausie DI Forum Patron

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    I don't think we would burn in hell if we demonstrated against the Catholic church I think God would give us some brownie points.
  3. johncarson

    johncarson DI Member Veteran Army

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    Larry, did you perchance say, Until now much this country has been in the stone ages when it comes to knowledge about sex (and other things as well)? Did you read the column in last week’s Negros Chronicle by Fr. Gammy Tulabing entitled What’s Wrong With Contraception? In case you missed it:

    What is Wrong With Contraception?
    July 21, 2013

    David Prentis of the Couple to Couple League, International gives a very simple, yet very easy to understand and appreciate explanation of the incorrectness of contraceptives use.

    Many people know that the Catholic Church and some others oppose contraception but do not know why. They imagine that this attitude is taken only by people tied to the past and afraid of modern progress. This seeks to explain briey why contraception is harmful.

    Contraception harms the individual user

    This is its purpose! A healthy, fertile woman goes to the doctor and asks for a contraceptive, the function of which is to interfere with the normal healthy working of her reproductive organs, so that she will be at least temporarily infertile. Yet it is not fertility which is an illness, but infertility! The doctor who accedes to the woman’s request is thus breaking his Hippocratic oath not to harm his patients. It is not surprising that procedures, devices and drugs, in themselves harmful, have further harmful side-effects.

    Sterilization is the permanent surgical destruction of the reproductive faculty. In the man, vasectomy may cause health problems because of the necessity of the body to reabsorb sperm unable to leave it. In the long term there is an increased risk of prostate cancer. The sterilized woman is likely to suffer further gynecological consequences. The physical mutilation of sterilization frequently causes psychological problems due to guilt and the feeling of loss of self-worth.

    The IUD, as a foreign body introduced into the normally sterile environment of the womb, can cause a chronic inammation and reduced resistance to infections, which, if they get out of hand, can cause further illness including permanent sterility. It is hardly used in the USA now because the manufacturers have been forced to pay large sums of compensation to users.

    The pill is a powerful hormonal drug. It sets aside the woman’s cycle and replaces it with an articial one. There are many harmful side-effects, some mild, others serious, even fatal.

    Barrier methods (condom, diaphragm) interfere least with the bodily functions, but latex produces an allergic reaction in some users.

    Contraception harms babies

    The IUD prevents the tiny newly-conceived baby from implanting in the womb; the baby then starves to death. If the baby does survive there is a greater chance of handicap.

    The pill, generally, but not always, prevents ovulation and sperm migration. However, if ovulation does occur and a child is conceived, the pill, like the IUD, prevents implantation, thus causing a very early abortion.

    When a spermicide is used, there is an increased chance of a miscarriage or of the child being handicapped in the event of conception.

    Contraception manipulates human nature

    Men are made with continuous fertility and women with cyclical fertility in which each cycle consists of fertile and infertile phases. With contraception man tries to manipulate human nature and control his fertility, which he wants to switch on and off (mostly off) like an electric light. Christians believe that man is made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27), so to interfere with human nature is an affront to God.

    By refusing to respect God-given human fertility, man in effect rejects God who made him and sets up an idol in his place. (Many sincere Christians, however, do not understand this.) The idol which becomes more important than God is unrestricted sexual pleasure with no consequences and a comfortable life without the expense and worry of children.

    Contraception fosters an anti-child mentality

    The whole point of contraception is to enjoy sexual pleasure while eliminating the possibility of conceiving children.

    Children are shut out of the mind. If the method fails a couple and a child is conceived, many such parents become angry and eliminate the child to “correct” the failure.

    Contraception leads to abortion. In all countries that legalized contraception, abortion followed.

    Contraception is perverse

    What does perverse mean? According to Sigmund Freud, “A perverse sexual act is one in which the possibility of conception is explicitly excluded.” The begetting of children is the natural purpose of sexual intercourse, necessary for the survival of the species. To deliberately exclude this possibility violates the true nature of the act.

    In the modern world, where the “contraceptive mentality” is taken for granted, this may be hard to understand. The following analogy may help. Food and drink are necessary and enjoyable. If someone wants to be slim, they can either eat less (temperance), or enjoy the food and vomit it up again (gluttony). Is this not perverse and is not contraception similar in principle?

    Contraception leads to marriage breakdown

    Sexual intercourse is meant to be an act of love in which husband and wife open up to each other in a unique, intimate way and give themselves to each other in as complete an expression of trust, acceptance and love as is possible in any human act. It should express their promise of mutual lifelong commitment, being in fact an implicit renewal of their marriage vows. It is the God-given way of cementing the marriage bond and making the commitment a practical possibility.

    With contraception an element of rejection is introduced into the act, the rejection of the other’s fertility.
  4. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

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    Fr. Tulabing uses the Negros Chronicle as his trumpet to spout this clap trap on a weekly basis. This week he goes further and waffles about Natural Family Planning, comparing it to learning to drive a car. The RH Bill seems to be his hobby horse and he writes about little else. For someone who is presumably celibate, he appears to have a wealth of theories on a subject of which he has no practical personal experience (or at least shouldn't have). The disinformation and sheer diatribe propagated by the Catholic Church in the Philippines is propaganda that would make Herr Goebbels proud. The line of thinking is that the government should not interfere in the activities of the marital bedroom. But it isn't the government interfering, it's the church. A classic case of guilt transfer, to accuse others of doing exactly what you are doing in order to divert attention from your own organisations shortcomings. The church makes it appear that contraception will be mandatory, when in fact the government simply wants to make the facility available; the choice of whether to use it or not is a matter for the couple, and not the church. Catholicism is not the only religion in the Philippines, yet the church seeks to deny and prevent that choice to all religions, and those with no religion too. The Catholic Church is facing multi-million dollar law suits throughout Europe, America, Canada, Australia and many other countries, in relation to sexually predatory priests and paedophilia in the clergy, so continually opposing a Bill enacted by a duly elected government is a useful tactic to divert attention away from the greater issues that the Vatican is facing. That bubble has yet to burst in the Philippines, but given the Catholic Church's expertise in denial and cover-up, perhaps it never will. The horrific case of the decades of physical, mental and sexual abuse of children and women at the hands of priests and nuns at the Magdalene Laundries in Dublin is still on-going. It's true that condoms don't cure Aids or STD's, but using them can help to prevent the spread, in much the same way that Sunblock40 won't cure skin cancer, but using it might prevent you getting it in the first place. The phenomenal rise in teenage pregnancies is alarming, but this country is awash with single mothers and absentee fathers. Many girls have two or three children, by different fathers, before they reach their early twenties, with never a centavo received in child support from the irresponsible sires, never a thought given to how they will raise the child; another mouth to feed when they are already living in abject poverty and barely able to survive. Barefoot and pregnant is an accurate anecdote for much of the rural hinterlands throughout these islands. But look also at the starting age in this latest finding - 15 years old. That means that many probably got pregnant at 14. And by whom ? Family rape and incest are taboo subjects conveniently swept under the carpet. It's the ostrich mentality of hide your head in the sand - if you can't see the problem then you can deny that the problem exists. Many of these pregnant children (for that is what they are) are likely to give birth to a less than healthy child, due to the father of the unborn child being too closely related to the mother carrying it. But where is the voice of concern over this ? As under age sex is against the law, and sex outside of marriage is a sin in the eyes of the church, who is banging the drum drawing attention to these issues ? The silence from the church is deafening. The picture of Fr. Tulabing at the top of his newspaper articles shows a healthy happy well-fed face, not surprising really, for when has anyone seen an undernourished priest or a skinny nun ? Perhaps he should watch the humbling documentary "Chicken a la carte" on Youtube and then re-assess his own lifestyle, for many of the clergy live high on the hog on donations and "alms" extracted from the poor. In a nation where half of the people know hunger, half of those are severely hungry and there are millions of street children, that is obscenely perverse. Perhaps he should take to heart the diktat of the new Pope, who instructs the clergy to reach out to the poor, the homeless, the hungry, the dejected, the sick, the lame, the blind, the friendless, the helpless, the orphans, the abandoned, and those troubled of mind. It may serve as a wake up call to Christian principles, and a better demonstration of his faith towards his fellow man, if he took a walk around Dumaguete at night, and saw the children and young mothers sleeping in parks and doorways, while the churches that could give shelter to the needy are locked and empty. Even better, having seen it, would be to actively do something about it. The church needs to put its' own house in order first instead of interfering, in a dictatorial way, in matters of intimacy that are the exclusive concern of the couple and no-one else, and stop implying that eternal damnation and a fast track to Hell awaits anyone who even considers a condom or an IUD. Until, and unless, they do, then this wave of unplanned pregnancies, ruined lives, poverty and abandoned children will continue its' horrible spiral.
  5. Obsidian

    Obsidian DI New Member

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    Of course, priests will insist sex is purely for reproductive purposes only. They don't have any. Which is in itself, far more unnatural, something he even ironically acknowledges -"Yet it is not fertility which is an illness, but infertility!".

    In case he didn't notice, humans are not exactly in any danger of extinction, and Earth isn't exactly a garden of Eden with inexhaustible resources. It's easy for them to say that every time a couple has sex, it should be with a baby in mind. Because they're not the ones who have to raise them, educate them, and feed them. It's not them who suffer from the consequences.

    And how the heck did he make the leap that contraception leads to marriage breakdown and abortion? What if a couple doesn't want more children? Do they stop showing the 'act of love' to each other because the risks are too great? Not having sex for fear of getting pregnant is imo, far more dangerous for marriages. As for abortion, contraceptives aim to prevent pregnancy. If you're not pregnant, how exactly is abortion still a problem?

    I won't even touch how incredibly misleading the "science" is in his article. He even criticizes the apparent psychological problems caused by "physical mutilation" (of vasectomy), which is hypocritical considering that the church itself advocates circumcision. Any medical risks of contraception (which is incredibly minor.. I mean seriously? He makes it sound like latex allergy is a terminal illness) is negated by the fact that they prevent far more deadlier diseases like HIV from spreading. The Catholic church (and Islam) itself is largely responsible for the pandemic status of HIV in Africa, where MILLIONS of people die each year (including children) because of their explicit campaigns to keep people ignorant of the condom. Campaigns that go so far as to actually convince African governments to ban attempts to educate people about safe sex. The only thing that tells me is that they care more for sperm than they do for the lives of people. Once you're out of the delivery room, you're off to fend for yourself. Until the next tithing time, that is.
  6. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    What a crock of BS. Yes, it's pretty obvious where the lady up at the Municipality gets her information, every word of it.

    Although I read the Chronicle every week, I don't read anything written by anyone with "fr" in front of their name, so I missed this. This country will never progress as long as people like this are in power positions.

  7. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    If you go to the rear of the church near quezon park and look at the white board you can see how much money they took each day,it's large amounts! There are also a few new 4x4's parked in there owned by the church.

    Like I keep telling my wife " don't be brain washed by them" when did they ever help you in hard times!
  8. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    My Uncle Ed the Molester was a Catholic. I now wonder why he didn't become a priest and be with his like kind.
  9. brian ausie

    brian ausie DI Forum Patron

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    hope it don't run in the family? :cool:
  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I would take a guess that 90 percent of catholics don't even understand why the church is against it. If you actually put the "don't spill your seed" into context in the full story you'll understand that God really wasn't even upset about the spilling of the seed......and in all honesty god was kinda being a dick in that story.

    Really, who expects a guy to screw his recently deceased brother's wife? And then what type of person would just go out and kill the guy for not following through with that order? A freaking psychopath is who does that. God really was a dick back then. And I always wondered, why does Mr Omnipotent ask people to do stuff and then kill them when they don't listen. He knew d*mn well before he asked they weren't going to do what they were told. I think he got his jollies off on finding creative ways to smite people.