Jessica has a great voice and I have to agree with Rhoody that music comes from the heart. If she is into it I think she can sing anything. If it is contrived well not so much. Anyway she is entirey too young to have any of the painful life experiances that come with adult passion. Give her a few years to mature and I think she could be a good pop/R&b singer. Also I think her pitch is better than most the pinoy singers I hear on the radio here.
She doesn't speak tagalog or hold a filipino passport, doesn't eat balut, doesn't p*ss on walls, doesn't through sh*t fits over constructive criticism, and her car likely has all the lights working and doesn't bellow smoke out the rear. How is it she is filipino? She is as much filipino as i am. They are just looking for someone to cry "filipino pride" on.
Drug addiction does wonders for song writing. Maybe she could get hooked on smack and write some real worked in the 60's and 70's. Oh wait, Brittany Spears tried it, didn't work out so well for her. Maybe the drugs aren't as good as they used to be.