This post is not meant to be combative or antagonistic. I am only writing this in the hope that anyone that reads these posts will do their own research about mental health services in the Philippines based on credible, reliable information from world health organizations and medical associations. Not Philippine based, WORLD based. Anecdotal evidence is not worth 2 cents, although I might question the attitude of the Philippines about mental health when their solution to drug use is two assassins on a motorcycle, or being killed by the cops while being arrested. Waste of time to provide counseling and rehab if the subject is dead but it is cheaper. Mental health issues just melt away. Mind you 80 percent of so of the population supports this program.
I mean no offense to you, Cerne, I just think that saying that the Philippines psych team would wipe the floor with the US team, is a little over the top. I also realize that you gave the nurses two days training (you said "I know, I trained em"), but I still think that your reference to the "idiots from the west" is a little strong. Neither I nor Wrye are out of our depth either if we just take a look at any world wide recognized mental/physical health study about education, training, resources, etc., etc. in the Philippines. I don't have to know anything about mental health. Your personal experience may be valid to you but you are contradicting the rest of the world's recognized studies. Please take no offense as none is intended. Besides we may soon be comrades of a sort as I myself was recently invited to do a seminar at Silliman to present the operation of a Dr.'s office from a business perspective for M.D.'s. Many Dr.'s lack common sense and some admit it. I am a retired NYC businessman that has retained a little knowledge of what I have learned over the years and if I do the seminar, which we have not confirmed yet, I will hope to help them with the practical end of running a Dr.'s office. I think that Silliman's efforts on this front are a good thing and good for their community perception. That is proven in this thread where we see some positive comments about their institution.
It looks like the OP found an answer, I just was trying to make the point that we have to be careful with advice here, especially if given with a voice of authority, and encourage people to find valid answers for themselves. We cannot sugar coat the fact that this is a Third World Country.
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Agree x 3
Being taught a 2 day class vs years/decades experience dealing with modern combat related PTSD (Philippines vs US) are two very different things. Seeking mental healthcare in the Philippines is still a taboo. The local doctors just have no real-world experience with it.
And the first time a doctor tells me I should look to God for answers (or even mentions religion) I'm out....which is why I have such little "faith" in Filipino doctors. It has happened far too often to me in visits to the hospital in the Philippines.
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