Wnt I went there yesterday but it is open to the public (up until 23rd May) ONLY between 6 am and 7 am ... ONE HOUR! During the rest of the day they are having swimming lessons. I am not sure it is necessary to use the whole pool for lessons, especially during the SUMMER (and school holidays) when it would have peak use but it is not my country or my pool! Also, the video review here shows we have to wear tight speedos and I fear I would stick out too much.
Looks like lessons end on May 20, so hopefully the public hours expand after that or at least when school starts in June. Lots of fairly recent pictures on their FB page: Lorenzo G. Teves Memorial Aqua Center - Kota Dumaguete - Stadion, Arena & Tempat Olahraga | Facebook
I have the same fear, but not in the front but in the back. I am not sure anyone would enjoy seeing my "plumbers crack'.