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Possible cluster in Bayawan?

Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by redhorse, Oct 20, 2021.

  1. OP

    redhorse DI Forum Adept

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    FYI, the info we just received is that the last of the three to die - also the only one to go to the hospital - tested positive on the rapid test (antigen, I think). They are awaiting the results on the other swab test which supposedly had to go to Duma or Cebu to be read. The immediate neighborhood is in some type of lockdown now.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  2. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    This is probably what they term a 'granular' lockdown - 'granular' relating to smaller parts (probably a better term is available) - where they lock down a micro area (such as a house or a street or a subdivision or a barangay). Those inside such an area are not allowed out of their houses for any reason (I assume they would allow hospital admission but I don't know) and this is said to have to last for 14 days (but that may or may not be the case currently). The local LGU has to provide food and water to those locked-down.

    This makes sense of course - to try to limit the infection passing to other people and to limit damage to the economy by not shutting down entire cities or Provinces. It is not dependant on the Alert Level and so even at level 1 an area could be subject to a granular lockdown.

    So, unfortunately, any of us could find ourselves in this situation because of what is happening locally, even though we are not infected. It is a much stronger quarantine than anything we have already experienced.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. OP

    redhorse DI Forum Adept

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    +269 / 62
    Just a followup, a confirmatory test on the last deceased person also came back positive for Covid. The neighborhood also seems to be under the type of granular lockdown that Notmyrealname described.
    A little clarification, we generically consider our family members who live around the Pagatban bridge as living in Bayawan, but this since the river is the boundry, I think this area is technically Basay. It's an out of the way but not really remote area with only one dirt path in and out from the highway up by the bridge. A lot of the access is via the Pagatban river.
    I don't claim to be an expert on the area, but I've visited it several times over the years, and it always struck me as a scenic, Filipino fishing village. The locals call the area "By By" (not sure if that's spelled right). The sandy bay front beach is actually light brown/"golden" colored, which I was told was a legacy of massive copper or gold mining upstream during Marcos' time. In better times, not a bad little place for someone to visit if they want to get off the beaten path :smile:
    • Informative Informative x 3