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Suggestion Best Posts in Thread: Prefix name for "Must Read" Threads

  1. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    For the things that people need to know to stay out of trouble I would label it "Ignore at Your Own Risk" as the forum is going out of it's way to prominently display it, if someone falls afoul of something the forum tried to warn them about, I wouldn't have much sympathy for them.

    I had a friend who used to complain that he didn't know where to find X, Y and Z. I had told him repeatedly to go on the forum and search and if he couldn't find it, post. Occasionally I would search for him and when he asked how did you know that? I would tell him I got it from the DI forum. It didn't help. Some people refuse to learn to fish for themselves.
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  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Alright. I think I have the "Where to Find" sub-forum sorted. Much easier to sort through and find information (IMO anyways). Hopefully the prefix "categories" make sense. (Not that I am going to go through and change them and then remark 7 pages of "Where to Find" threads again if it doesn't. :wink:)

    Where to Find... | Dumaguete Info
    Read Me: - "Where to Find" Forum | Dumaguete Info

    "Best Answers" voting has been in that section for awhile but I'm not sure I ever mentioned it before.
    I've also made this a prefix. I'll start throwing them on threads that deserve it as I find them.
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  3. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    KEY threads
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  4. nwlivewire

    nwlivewire DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Army Navy

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    As a person coming to Duma for a stay of three years, I know I'll be wanting to access "How To" Info - like how to open a bank account, how to get around as I won't have a car for awhile -- that kind of stuff. Cost to travel on the local public transports would be good to know.

    Also "Where To" info - like where to buy certain types of groceries, where to go for paying utility bills, how to get cable/internet/telephone/drinking water, how to get regular mail (P.O. Box?) -- just everyday living stuff. What to expect, where to go, how to get there, and costs (deposits), etc. Maybe a list of these providers and a POC/phone number?

    Where to go to find a decent place to rent for a year at a time? What is this process like? What should I know/beware/be aware of as a foreigner about this renting process? What are my options? -- do I look for a place on my own, or do I hire and pay for a rental realtor or what?

    It would be nice if the articles answered the who, what, when, where, why, and how much (if possible) on that topic so a new person can avoid any common "rooking" that locals can do to newcomers (like that luggage-portage fee thing I read about on this forum).

    What is the proper way to tip for different services? What are those services as I may not know to tip when I should tip. And how much is the tip for that particular service so I am solidly fair and square with that person/service and not being under or over-generous or being taken advantage of?

    Do people negotiate on everything or just some things? If so, are there any specific items that are generally up for negotiation? How to set up delivery (if possible) and standard delivery fees for things too heavy to hand-carry home or if no car to get it to home. Which businesses offer delivery as part of their sales and service? Or, if I find something, do I arrange with a different company for home delivery - if so, who do I call?

    This website is already my primary "GO TO" place for reading about my stay for a few years in Duma. I have learned ALOT from this forum. The members here are an absolute boatload of knowledge and willingly share what they know.

    A member's wife has offered to help me with my getting settled in after I find a place to rent -- for which I am so VERY grateful in advance of such an offer as this. I will learn much from this lady on how to get around and where to go and what to do. Mrs. P will assist me in finding furniture as I kinda have a "brown thumb" in the decor department. The furniture won't be too fancy (I do have a budget), but I want stuff that will look nice together, be practical, and last for awhile. Mrs. P will be my "point man" at helping me coordinate these items and at negotiating these big ticket items for a fair price. I cannot thank Mrs. P enough for her "eyes" on color and her pocketbook skills . We'll have a fun time doing this!

    But what if I were not so fortunate as to have Mrs. P on the furnishing piece and had to do this this piece by myself? I'd probably make a good many "brown thumb"errors, I'd not know where to find anything and take days and days to find something. I'd probably settle for alot less through my own not knowing where anything is, and I'd probably pay that "long nose" price on everything and not know it until months afterwards.

    So I think the direction you're going is a good thing for us soon-to-be newcomers.

    I know after I'm in Duma for about a year, I'll want my own little USED car/PU truck of some sort (if I think I can drive one with all the "crazies" on the road). Won't buy new -- but want a decent used one. I'll need to learn more about this after I get there. But the basics on "What to know about foreigner vehicle ownership" would be nice.

    Tourists and short-term visitors may not have a need to know some of these things as it won't be part of their world. But renting a vehicle, motorcycle, etc., might come in handy for everyone.

    Recreational activities in the area like boat fishing, snorkeling, scuba ("Where to go?" "Where to find?") might be nice, too. Do I need a fishing license to fish from land or when on a boat?

    Parks and outdoor recreation -- where are they? what to see and do there -- plus are there any hot tubs, spas, massages, sweat lodges/steam baths?

    Good doctors of all kinds -- dentists, denturists, pharmacy -- all the medical stuff. PLUS Insurance/Payment policies.

    For those with animals -- good Vets -- and "Where to find?" animal/pet supplies & pet meds.

    For those with kids -- good schools, costs and options. Usually families with kids locate to the area the schools are in. Where are those schools and areas?

    Can a foreigner volunteer their time anywhere? If so, where? Under what conditions?

    Hobbiest clubs or informal groups that share an interest in something. Where/What hobby/Language spoken/Point of Contact.

    Laws that a foreighner needs to know, like being around kids under a certain age who are NOT your own?

    GEEZ! This information sounds like something the local US Chamber of Commerce used to do back in the day when folks moved into a new neighborhood.

    But this kind of information listed on your website would be so very welcome and useful to many foreigners coming to Duma -- short and long-term.

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  5. okiebound

    okiebound DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    BUSINESS DIRECTORY I know I don't live there anymore, but when I DID live there it would have been nice to have a business directory of sorts with type of business/name & contact numbers. Perhaps the members could submit the info for you to add. I always felt like I was at a loss when I needed work done or needed something. It would be nice to have a list here from people we trust and would normally ask for references from.
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  6. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I like that one a lot! :woot:

    FYI: I very well might select more than one prefix for sticky threads. One for topics that have a lot of opinions (like the ones mentioned in the OP) and one for topics that are just informational in nature and can't really be debated in any way (such as the "Tidal Charts" thread).
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