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Pros and Cons of having a baby in Philippines or US

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by muddyfeet, Nov 28, 2009.

  1. Panday Pera

    Panday Pera DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +9 / 0
    Has nothing to do with pride Carmanjac and I don't mean to question anybody's allegience or loyalty to their country. I am merely talking about safety. If you look back at events in the past hijackings, a lot of these fanatics/hoodlums for the most part, will take your passports and separate the US passport holders from the rest and use the US citizens as bargaining chips. I am glad for the release of the 17 or 20 Filipino sailors captured by Somali pirates. There is no news if any or how much ransom was paid. I doubt if money was exchanged. I doubt if the same result would have happened if those were US citizens or citizens of other countries with deeper pockets for that matter. It's not about compassion, it's all about money.
  2. Judy

    Judy DI Member

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    I agree with Tom because i knew that is base on his experience.
  3. Judy

    Judy DI Member

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    I agree with Tom because i knew that is base on his experience.
  4. Panday Pera

    Panday Pera DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +9 / 0
    Documentary requirements


    1. Accomplish form entitled “Petition for Dual Citizenship and the Issuance of Identification Certificate (IC) pursuant to RA 9225”;

    2. Submit three (3) copies each of the following:

    a. Duly accomplished Petition for Dual Citizenship form
    b. Philippine Birth Certificate;
    c. Old Philippine Passport;
    d. Voter’s affidavit or voter’s identification card;
    e. Marriage Contract indicating the Philippine citizenship of the applicant;
    f. For married woman, copy of Marriage Certificate;
    g. For widow, copy of Death Certificate of spouse; and
    h. Such other documents that would show that the applicant is a former natural-born citizen of the Philippines.

    3. Two (2) recent 2” x 2” photographs with royal blue background showing the front view of the applicant;

    4. Certificate of Naturalization. In the absence of a Certificate of Naturalization, applicant may submit an affidavit explaining the circumstances by which the foreign citizenship was acquired;

    5. Additional requirements for applicants with child beneficiary.

    For a child who is below eighteen (18) years of age (legitimate, illegitimate or adopted), three (3) copies of the following:

    a. Birth Certificate;
    b. Foreign passport;
    c. Adoption Decree duly authenticated by the Philippine Consulate General, if applicable;
    d. Certificate of Naturalization, if name of the beneficiary is not included in the Certificate of Naturalization of the parents; and
    e. For qualified beneficiary/ries born in the U.S., download the Report of Birth from our website (SEARCH LINK TO Philippine Consulate Websites).

    6. In case the name of the applicant in his/her birth certificate is different from that in his/her foreign passport and other documents, the applicant shall execute an affidavit explaining such difference and present as supporting documents, two (2) public or private documents showing the correct name of the applicant.

    7. If the applicant is a Bureau of Immigration (BI) registered alien, he shall surrender the original ACR and ICR/CRTV, or in its absence, an affidavit explaining the loss of said documents for transmittal to the BI.

    8. Processing fee of US$50.00.
    Additional US$25.00 for every qualified beneficiary
    (Payment shall be in the form of cash, bank draft or money order payable to the Philippine Consulate General, "CITY")

    Upon submission of the complete requirements by mail, the Consulate in consultation with the applicant will set a date and time for the Oath Taking before a Consular Officer.

    For further information, please call the Philippine Consulate General nearest you.

    NOTE: Please observe appropriate attire during the oathtaking day. No denim or slippers.


    Republic Act 9225

    SEC. 4. Derivative Citizenship -- The unmarried child, whether legitimate, illegitimate or adopted, below eighteen (18) years of age, of those who re-acquire Philippine citizenship upon effectivity of this Act shall be deemed citizens of the Philippines.
  5. TLaff

    TLaff One Hit Wonder?

    Trophy Points:
    +0 / 0
    Having a Baby in the Philippines

    Well you have a few things to consider:

    The baby can easily be a US citizen by going to the US Embassy and providing a DNA swab test then the baby sill be a US Citizen and i do not know about running for president but probably not.

    Having the baby in the USA limits the amount of property the child can own in the Philippines.

    Having the Baby in the Philippines is much cheaper and the baby can own as much property as it wishes and the mother and baby can have nanny's in which you can afford.

    My opinion is because i will be retiring in the Philippines is I would and will have our baby in the Philippines because the chances of it ever running for President of the USA is astronomical.

    As far as flying during pregnancy each airlines have their own rules and you can fly on Delta during the last 2 week's with a approval letter from a doctor.
  6. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +16 / 1
    I dont think there is too much to consider at this stage. The event that you are commenting on was scheduled to happen about two years ago.

    Good idea to check the date on the thread that you are answering, even allowing for this being your first post.
  7. tomtorific

    tomtorific DI Senior Member

    Trophy Points:
    +108 / 30
    "In terms of safety, I believe it is safer to travel the world on a Phil Passport than US because of recent changes in the world"
    Although I cannot agree with the statement, I think You will acknowledge the fact that many more countries accept a U.S. Passport without special entry Visa, than a Philippines Passport allows.