I really need to stop going to the neighbors house...got another mutt and gave one of our girls in trade. The new owner of the pup was so excited and with the hugs I know she has found a good home. She will be right next door so we can visit often to make sure she is taken care of. The new little boy went straight to shower and tick removal, our niece named him Jack and she will be the one to care of him. Shawn
With a Name like "JACK" I just know he will be a "CRACKER" We Jacks's always try and give our best where we can Jack P
I have to agree with you...no clue why our niece picked Jack as a name but he was able to get under the gate and go to his former home twice today, we leave the front door open so all the dogs can come in and out as they please. It is funny as our runt (sister of the pup we got last night) has absolutely no interest in going out unless we are outside the gate. Our niece did not have classes this morning and had a classmate over to work on a school project (needed to use my laptop), anyway her school friend got a pup from our neighbor as well (a girl) and left her at our house; which we did not know. Jack ran off and the wife assumed the girl pup was our new pup and was tripping about the ticks as we spent more than an hour last night pulling ticks. I made the same mistake as I tried to pet what I thought was Jack and she was so shy and running away from me. I was surprised as I held him for hours last night and he was sweet...the wife looked a bit closer and said this is a girl; our pup was back to his former home. Those 2 look almost identical so after school our nieces classmate needs to take her pup home so I don't have to keep flipping the dog on their back to figure out if it is our boy or her girl. Just heard a pup crying and it was Jack stuck under the gate trying to get out...he is twice the size of our runt Ruby but keeps trying. Hope he gets over it pretty quick...he is a sweet dog (I guess that is why Cherry picked him) but I understand the transition is probably rough when we have all these dogs that are bigger than anything he has seen, our pups are bigger than his mom. The pup they got from us is adjusting well, they were actually shocked at how well behaved she is. Cherry has visited her 3 times today (and taking her snacks), compared to once for me...tough to let them go, but she is close by. We always called her Miss Violet because of her collar color but her new name is Beauty, works as she is a gorgeous girl. Shawn
Pretty weird...the female our niece's friend got is still here. I can tell her apart now from the boy we got yesterday because she has a white spot on her back but am having a hard time figuring her out. I have the runt and the male from the neighbors and they have one of ours; which would never happen if I did not think they were going to take care of her (I did visit her another time today). This little girl seems scared of everything, she spent most of the day hiding behind the entertainment center (I actually thought she was gone until she walked into our bedroom). I've spent the last few hours with her and she is finally OK with being petted and held, during the day she wanted nothing to do with our pups so she had to be fed separately. She is not our dog so I won't get too much into it and I have two pups now from our neighbors and see that they treat their dogs well, maybe it is just a personality thing with this one. Shawn
Reminds me of my two ( deceased ) Golden Retrievers, they are greatly missed, I obtained them as pups, and they were family, very sad when they died. Doggy mates do not live for long enough unfortunately. I read this thread with interest, love to hear good Puppy "tails" - errrr, tales - - very tempted to get another pup, BUT, with business commitments and traveling, it is not practical at this time.
We got the Belgian and Dalmatian as pups and they are definitely part of the family now. Their life expectancy is about 12 years. I'm probably closer to the Belgian, just like her style and look more than the Dalmatian, love them both though. I do like what I am seeing from the pups though, as I've said before see both breeds in them yet they have a very unique look to them. Very affectionate and pretty well behaved when you consider how active they are. I'm really debating keeping on of the boys, he stands out to me and I spend a good bit of time playing and petting him. I just don't if my yard is enough for 3 bigger dogs. Shawn
Based on "Midnights" Antics Our garden (Yard) is getting Smaller each day as she terrorizes the other Two. I am sure Shawn, your thinking is Right, She Certainly needs "HER" Space and I might Add Gets it ( Pecking Order is being rewritten daily) JP
Another one of the girls left yesterday; so down to 3 girls and 2 boys. Her new owner was here for work and lives in Cebu so she is taking the ferry today. He has two Shih Tzu dogs so I was surprised he would want what will be a larger dog but he just really liked her look. Talked to him for a bit and he really seems to be a dog lover. He did talk Cherry down to 2,500 peso though. Shawn
AH! that Reversed Bartering, don't you just love these people, normally it is us looking for the bargain and some discount. JP
In my limited experience with just my dogs; the Belgian is the top dog in our house. We had the Dalmatian for about a month before we got Chili, so he was a bit older and bigger; she made it know from day 1 she was the boss. Cherry has a video on what their reaction to each was that first day...pretty funny. It was probably a week before they got friendly and starting playing. With as much as I see the Belgian in the personality I figure that will try to be the dominant dog if more than 1 dog in the home and so far all the pups have gone to homes with at least 2 other dogs. Shawn