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Best Posts in Thread: Pure Camiguin Honey
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danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines
Nobody talked about health benefits, not until the anti-cholesterol health movement came to be, much later on, in the eighties. When the evils of saturated fat came into light, long after margarine hit the marketplace, butter was shown to be highly saturated which apparently caused the liver to make cholesterol.
Butter became bad, margarine good.
Margarine did not have naturally saturated fats and it was said to be poly-unsaturated.
It was only much later that transfats came into being, artificially saturated to make them more solid than liquid. Margarine was determined to be full of transfats.
Margarine very bad. Butter better.
The human body did not know how to handle transfats. Margarine became much worse than butter because at least the body can process naturally saturated fats. Denmark banned all transfats. Anything marked transfats on the label dies not sell well in the USA; they are probably banned in California. But the Phils continues to sell Star Margarine, loaded with transfats and hard as a rock in 35-40C tropical ambient temperatures; useful for people with no Frigidaire.
Like an abundance of sugar, even in the spaghetti (disgusting), fake chemical honey and air pollution, we learn to live with it all.
But I eat Anchor Butter. I hope McDonald’s here uses only unsaturated fats for cooking fries like McDonald’s in the USA. I am pretty sure transfats will never be redeemed by the health nuts until millions of years from now if the human body ever evolves to be able to process it.
I would not give too much credit to the USA NASA for their great competence in science for those inventions that include Tang (is that a a breakthrough?), Kevlar and lexan for space helmets; the US government only did what it does best and funded the projects. It was private industry that actually invented those things.
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Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer
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I just bought a bottle of Pure Camiguin Honey, at a local food store in Siquijor that caters to foreigners. From the start, I suspected it was fake as is most honey sold in the Philippines, but thought I would try it anyway. The taste is comparable to honey, although it is a little runny. Still, I will not use it. My neighbors are delighted to take it. Anyone else on the forum have experience with this honey?
Here is a link to an article on Philippine fake honey and the fact that the agency, the FDA, refuses to acknowledge the problem even though it is well know and wide spread. Of course, this is not an anomaly in the RP among government agencies that are supposed to protect the health and well being of citizens.
On the other hand, when visiting Dumaguete (I live on Siquijor) I always buy honey in the little store across the hall from the BOI. It is run by and for the benefit of the blind, which, as a private endeavor, I fully support. I have home tested it and found it to be as real as I am capable of determining. It even crystallizes over time, which is a hallmark of real honey. Again, anyone else familiar with this honey?-
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i guess in the jungle you got switched to hydrogenated coconut oil? lol, it was good then bad and now good again-
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"beauty is in the eye of the beholder" . conventional wisdom is just that, what is accepted as correct as of today. i can remember when margarine was going to save human civilization-
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
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Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer
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Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer
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