I have had many good and a bad experience buying honey in Valencia market, for a long time the honey I bought from a vendor was pure, then I got 2 bottles of fake, immediately when I open the first bottle I knew it was fake, it had a bad smell and taste of chemicals. I stop buying for a while, then a few weeks ago I talk to one of the vendors and told him last time I bought honey it was fake, he open a bottle let me smell and taste it, just got a little on a finger, I'm not a honey expert but the smell and taste told me immediately this is pure. Price range between 150-250 pesos, they ask for 250 pesos, last time I offered him 200 pesos and he accepts it. Of topic, but maybe someone can have benefit from it. Last 20 years I get my healthy drink every morning, I cook (just simmer) 200 g of ginger, 2 whole garlic, and 1 citrus in 20-30 min, chopped first, then mix 2 spoons of pure honey in when it's still hot, when cold in the fridge. Every morning drink like 2-3 fingers in a glass, depends on the diameter of the glass, and how fat your fingers are. I believe it's good to keep infections away and contains some good vitamins. The honey makes the taste acceptable, I use 1 liter of water
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