I learned to use shampoo with Sulphur content or selenium sulfide in dandruff shampoo to take care of scabies and wash my clothes to keep mites from itching on me..
The sulphur content shampoo was from the US... All the dandruff shampoo(head and shoulders?) in philippines had a different active ingredient and it was pyrethrin.. I used it but wasn't sure, so i found sulphur soap in bath bar form at the pharmacies...
I found pyrthrins eventually being used in insect repellants and listed in write ups as the better alternative for having impact on pests without side effects on people... I even went as far as using toxic dog shampoo to ward off itchy unseen critters.. I always Washed my clothes with a dose of some thing to keep from being infested in my down to earth lifestyle rubbing elbows with people every day who had infestations on their elbows and more...
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