Pangitpilot.....when I learned to fly many years ago, my instructor used the expression "the object of flying is to have one landing for each takeoff". Worked for me..........
But my favorite is short and to the point. At the military airbase in El Paso, Texas, they have a lot of student pilots. At the beginning of the long runway was a sign about 10 feet high and 20 feet long that said "WHEELS". Yes, that's pretty important when landing.
"You owe nothing to a critic,because critic's are spectators not players! extract from Word for Today Proverbs23;9
Re: Is it safe for foreigners to live in Duma..... Two expressions that were widely used in the US after the 9/11 attacks. "Terrorism only works if you are terrorized" and "If you are not terrorized, then they have failed" both expressions work anytime and anywhere.
" By justice a Leader gives a Country stability, but one who is greedy for bribes tears it down" Proverbs 29;v4
life's meaning is so immense, that one might know what it is by how one has lived it. thats an original (as far as i know)