How true that is! KDF, Thank you for this one, many a true word is said in JEST, I am thankfull that I am OK, after some of the things we read here.:o Jack P.
"we're living in a world that's blowing itself to hell as fast as everybody can arrange it. in a situation like that all a man can do is shut his eyes and let nothing touch him. look out for himself." -- Sean Penn's character, Thin Red Line "there's only one thing a man can do - find something that's his, and make an island for himself. if i never meet you in this life, let me feel the lack; a glance from your eyes, and my life will be yours." -- Sean Penn's character, Thin Red Line
Einstein! " If I give you a penny (Cent) you will one penny richer and I will be one penny poorer! IF I give you an Idea, You will have an Idea BUT I will also keep that Idea" 'Albert Einstein'
"There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them." - George Orwell, 1903-50: attributed