"Better a nearby friend than a distant family" proverbs 27;v10 "Projecting too far ahead can keep you from devoting your energy to the task at hand"
"When we exercise self-control on a given occasion We win for ourselves a little credibilty we can rely on the next time around Pretty soon we develop a reputation to ourselves that we want badly to uphold With each test that we meet, our resolve gains momentum, fueled by the fear that we may succomb and establish a damaging precedent for our own weakness" Daniel Askt
"There are two ways to slide easily through life. To believe everything or to doubt everything, both ways save us from thinking" Alfred Korzybski
I never feared the day that death comes take my hand. I fear the cries of my family So I'll live as long as I can. - Nate Denver
Treat your children today the way you want to be treated later. - Jose rizal He who does not know how to look back at where he came from Will never get to his destination - Jose rizal