Rollin Pin at Silliman reopens today, including some dining in, although I would call ahead as "social distancing" reduces the number of tables available..
omg omg.. COFFEE GROOVE CAFE: <<Hello, Ed! We resume operations on May 6, Wednesday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Of course, we will need to follow all safety precautions (wear masks, sanitize hands, stay 1 meter apart, no air conditioning). That's THE PLAN. See you soon!>>. Also sounds like some new dishes coming soon. Starts wednesday cuz they're always closed mon / tues..... That's "normal" enough for me...
Put on mask before arriving (or before leaving house) Go to restaurant Walk to counter, order, get food, go to table, 2m from any other table Remove mask, eat food, drink coffee, Replace mask, leave, etc etc. or variation thereof ??? OR: Add hole in mask, install large straw, place tape on straw end Do steps above Put food in bowl, At table pour coffee or liquid into bowl Make food / coffee / drink into thin mush Drink mixture through straw Place tape over end of straw Leave with mask un-disturbed ??? Would that work, no disrespect intended, or maybe i've been quarantined too long ? <grin>
BO's on the blvd is open for take-out only (including food menu). Ordering a large froccino did not quite make up for a month of no mediums.. Robinson's Bo's not open yet.
i finally went to Cang's friday, the Sibulan to Canlaon quarantine pass day. entered Duma from Sibulan at the Camanjac/Rovira rd intersection; no check points. got stopped at the Cangs entrance; told the guard i'm a senior, living alone, showed him my Sibulan barangay pass and gained entry. the Sibulan public mkt also let me in.