I like Cebu City and its taxis - but in many cities it would require the trike numbers to be reduced and that would hit many poorer people. `
This applies to most here, these large voting blocks are all made up of parts of society that the powers to be let get out of control without enforcing regulations. Tricycle's, squatters, agrarian reform beneficiary's,etc.
The "borders" between Dumaguete and Bacolod are definitely more porous than with Cebu. You can walk to Bacolod. But the pores in that Bacolod border are far less popular for people passing through.
I could not quite figure out why crops had to be dumped because restaurants closed. Have people who frequented restaurants stopped eating altogether? I would think that the much-vaunted cleverness of the Filipino people would have found a way to alternately distribute that food, or most of it at least.
That is one long walk, but I get your point. And they aren't as safe either. NPA owns much of that territory.
Probably pretty safe for Filipinos. Not much ransom to be had for a tennant farmer. Or someone who appears that way.