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Best Posts in Thread: RIP Freddy

  1. gerry_bc

    gerry_bc DI Forum Adept

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    I am so mad about this!!! Freddy was all pissed up yesterday (starting on the blvd) and ending up near Hypermart at a local xpat bar. He was described as drunk as a skunk and the management kept serving him and taking his money. He was offered a free trike by a customer who did not know him. One of the owners was sitting at the bar and did nothing to stop the drinking or prevent him from leaving. The last time he was seen alive was when a waitress assisted him to his scooter and he turned up the hill towards Valencia. within a minute he was dead (possibly also the guy he hit) and all this could have been prevented.

    3 times (twice when I had Garcia's and 6 weeks ago at my new place) I took his keys away and got him a trike. He always came back, apologized and thanks me. I don't care where his drinking started yesterday but it should have ended at the last place. You bar owners have an obligation to even make an attempt to stop him. And dont call me a hypocrite, I have paid the price for drinking and riding, and it made me a better bar owner when it comes to dealing with people who had too much.

    And a final shame on all the people who keep sharing the pics of him lying on the highway with his brains leaking out. He has family that does not need to see this sh*t!!!!

    RIP Freddy, I will remember you as you were 2 weeks ago when we had a beer here on the beach ...

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
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    KINGCOLE DI Senior Member Highly Rated Poster

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    Maybe all drinkers in expat bars should have to deposit their keys with the management, upon arrival. A large notice in a conspicuous position should be displayed with the proviso,
    " All patrons must deposit their vehicle keys with management upon arrival. If you are unfit to drive, then your keys will not be returned ".
    If the patron doesn't wish to comply, then they should not be served. I know this sounds extreme, but if anyone has a better idea how to stop this waste of life, I will gladly support you.
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  3. KTM

    KTM DI Senior Member

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    While I do feel sorry for him, I feel even sorrier for the other guy. Obviously, this guy suffered from some sort of habitual problem as already mentioned in the first post, this was not the first time he was unfit to drive away from a bar. One thing has become very clear though, over the last few years here, not only drinking & driving is starting to get out of control, but the refusal of most people to wear proper head protection while riding is bordering on insanity, in this town.
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  4. denpet

    denpet DI Senior Member Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    So sorry to hear about Freddy. I didn't know him, but think we met a few times. R.I.P. and condolences to the family.

    To all bar owners and waitresses in Dumaguete.
    If it ever happen that I've been to your bar and have a fatal accident on my way home, and may it never happen.
    Don't blame yourself or your staff. It was my bad decision and I take full responsibility for my own actions.
    Never mind what my family, friends, relatives or your competitors may say. It was not your fault.
    If you try to stop me from making bad decisions, I will appreciate it, but I will never blame you for failing to.
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  5. alex

    alex DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    KYM I agree 100%, i don't know about other country,s but in Australia the law is clear if liquor outlet keep serving a person after they appear to be drunk they are liable and at worst can loose their license or the owner, manager and even staff can cop large finds .Lets hope some thing good comes out this horrific accident like Gerry said bar owners and managers must wake and see this does not happen again .Having said that its up to every person to be responsible for their own alcohol intake and consider the risk to themselves and others also heart break they cause the love ones the leave behind when they are downing the last 4 roadies.
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  6. Kym

    Kym DI Member

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    Unbelievable that the management would allow him to leave on his bike as he staggered out. Two people dead which could have easily been prevented. Appalling!!
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