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Safety in Local Bars

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Canadianized, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    No, I'm not suggesting anything of the sort and I'm not talking about any specific incident, and in fact, all that stepping on toes, knocking over drinks, spilling drinks stuff are things I have done myself on several occasions....and walked away from without ever getting in a fight with a local. They are things that will happen to anyone that goes into one of these small local clubs. I have repeated, ad nauseam, that I don't want any speculation/conjecture on what happened that night on the forum and to let the authorities handle the investigation. My comments are meant to be taken as general safety precautions and nothing more.

    This is the conjecture I've been asking people to refrain from. (and no one is trying to "explain away murder" here!) This thread was split from the Memoriam thread for a reason.....it doesn't help the family, the authorities or the problem in general. You are looking to persecute and place blame on someone before all the facts are available. It doesn't help anything. I understand people are upset (and rightfully so) but let's try to refrain from letting our emotions take us on a witch hunt. I want to know what happened myself (I have a very good idea of what happened already, which will likely never be posted here) but I don't give two shits about "what if's" or "woulda/coulda" scenarios for that specific night. It doesn't help anything.
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  2. charlyB

    charlyB DI Senior Member

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    It saddens me to hear of the demise of this young man who survived a war and then dies like this.
    As a parent i do not really know what i would do if one of my children were taken in this manner but i hope that i would hire the best private investigator i could afford as it is evident that the PNP could not find their own @ss with both hands, eg the recent Bayawan shooting.

    NOPPO head to assign
    cops at Justice Hall

    Premises of the Hall of Justice and Regional Trial Courts in the cities of Bayawan, Tanjay, Bais and Guihulngan will be a regular standby point of uniformed police personnel and patrollers as a result of the shooting incident in Bayawan City involving a lawyer more than two weeks ago.

    Lawyer Ramon Eduardo Elesteria was gunned down in broad daylight in front of the RTC where he had a court appearance, by two suspects who were not even wearing bonnets.
  3. OP

    Canadianized DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I understand your situation here and totally agree that this neither the time or place to air all of this out. Again I would refrain from saying things like "They are things that will happen to anyone that goes into one of these small local clubs." I would tone it down to say there are things that CAN happen to PEOPLE that go into one of these small local clubs. Each scenario has its own merit.

    I am sure you will agree that you open yourself for all kinds of trouble if you are not in control of your actions when out drinking. Whether this was the case in this instance is not important. In my opinion it is a non issue. What is important is that this man lost his life at the hands of a bunch of cowards who clearly showed their disdain for foreigners! Nobody has the right take another man's life. End of story!
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. Kym

    Kym DI Member

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    It only takes a few seconds, a knife pulled etc.. or a ticked off local texting his 10 cousins to teach a foreigner some respect

    The Philippines can be a dangerous place but then so can downtown Santa Monica, or walking the backstreets of Venice Beach at 2am or at a disco in Paris. Here in Australia we have a very large "ice" [ shabu ] problem - only last week a man was beaten to death at a train station by assailants Welcome to the 21st c

    Having said this,. I have never experienced any trouble or even perceived danger in my time in the Philippines and agree with Wrye that certain cultural and social conditions need to be observed. Which is politess and respect no matter what. For example I hold back from vocally abusing idiotic Pinoy drivers, which is normal behaviour in Australia for someone parking in the middle of the road causing a traffic jam.

    Any foreigner thinking he is John Wayne in a bar fight maybe signing a death warrant. The Pinoys have a saying which roughly translates to " ..you win now. But i will later :wink:".

    Edited by a moderator to remove personal conversations in regard to an ongoing inquiry as per Admins request. Please stay on Topic without reference to a Specific Incident. Thank You.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2015
  5. charlyB

    charlyB DI Senior Member

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    I have a saying too, If i win there won't be later
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Maybe you haven't been to Zanzibar on a busy night. :wink:

    He is totally right. When I'm in there, I'm dropping "whoops, sorry" more than F-bombs. That's unusual for me. You WILL step on toes. You WILL bump into tables (and possibly spill drinks in the process.) The place gets so packed there is just no avoiding it. You need to not be an *sshole while you are doing these things. That's what Dustin is referring to.

    And another point that I just thought of. This DOES NOT have anything to do with Canadianized! I just came here to post this point and then saw his post. Sorry they have to be in the same post. :wink:

    Pay your dealer

    If you got fronted some drugs from your dealer, PAY HIM BACK!

    Nothing more dangerous than a dealer sending out his thugs to collect. :wink:
  7. Peter

    Peter DI Junior Member

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    I don't know.
    Reading this makes me think am i doing the right thing to myself and my wife by moving to Dgt
    We live in a very nice place in Australia " Gold coast" but if you go to the nightclubs and bars at night it can happen to you .We thought this sort of thing did not happen in Dgt . So sorry for this guys family and what will they think of Dgt now I think you should name and shame these bars and we would not frequent them until they get their act together and keep that sort out
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2015
  8. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    As The Dude said, it's not a matter of "if", it will happen. Has nothing to do with the recent happenings there. Zanzibar is very small and gets very crowded. If a person goes there they need to be prepared for reality.

    Conjecture. Without having seen the CCTV footage (and there there is video evidence of the entire night) a person's opinion on what happened is completely irrelevant.

    I was in Zanzibar last night and they have taken measures to improve security with a proper uniformed guard that is serious about pat downs (and knows how to do them) and is actively scanning the crowd for problems. I have never seen so many foreigners in the place as I did last night. I have also never seen so many Filipino with high and tights in the place either (and I doubt that is a new fashion trend that just came around last night).
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. OP

    Canadianized DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Conjecture. Without having seen the CCTV footage (and there there is video evidence of the entire night) a person's opinion on what happened is completely irrelevant.
    There is no conjecture on my part. This man was murdered. End of story!
    As The Dude said, it's not a matter of "if", it will happen. It is conjecture to say WILL! Every scenario is different. You can say that there is a propensity for something to happen but nobody can say 100% something WILL happen in these instances. The Dude is not GOD! And, you guys are going off on something you don't even know about. What actually caused this to happen in the first place!
    You say, "I was in Zanzibar last night and they have taken measures to improve security with a proper uniformed guard that is serious about pat downs (and knows how to do them) and is actively scanning the crowd for problems."
    Does that mean this guard will leave his post to intervene in an altercation outside of the bar? Outside but within earshot? And, do you really believe that patting down people entering the bar could have prevented this incident?

    The Zanzibar should have had some kind of guard there before this happened. Kind of like closing the barn door after the horses have all gone. But there is no way of really knowing if a guard could have prevented this.
    We do not know why this actually happened or exactly where it happened. All of this is conjecture except for the fact that a man was murdered.
  10. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    This thread brings to mind the scene at the alien cantina in the original Starwars movie. It seems you can go anywhere in 'the universe' and find a bar where the people who think they are bad asses like to hang out. Customers seem to be drawn to the lure of 'being bad' or hanging out with the 'cool' bad asses.

    If you are young enough to still be interested in that scene then you pays your money and you takes your chances. For me, I see the kinds of crowds that are mentioned here and if I must step on toes to get to the bar I say "excuse me" and leave. There are other places to drink, Why drink with the lemmings?

    This does NOT mean I would condone someone being mugged, mauled or killed in such a bar. It means life is about how much risk you are willing to take and its risky hanging out in bars where:

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