Please post what you are interesting in so I can get the seed or grow it for you if that is what you prefer. I will get started as soon as the rains slow down a little here.
Seeds I have, I was thinking of hardware if you had anything. Filters, germination pots, growing beds etc. Expanded clay or pumice I've been on the look for a while.
I have some of those things I think... just contact me when you come back and take a look. You can have what every I have.
Hi Dave i have a problem with my tomatos they looked great up n till they flowered then i noticed a thin white track on the leaves next the new growth on top of the plant was very small i got vety few fruit and the other flowers died n fell off .I tryed spraying with white oil. soapy water , and malathion, no result,A friend told me to use sulfur. will this help and do you know were can i buy it ? cheers
Alex, I got a lot of tomato seed last year, some bought some donated. My success rate was not good. So I can not really make any recommendations to solve your problem Although I did not have any "white track" issue, this is obviously it is some insect damage. I personally hesitate spraying too much other than soapy water on my vegetables. If I want a chemical type solution I but by at one of the local markets. There was one poster on here that had very good results with Tomatoes but I believe there grown in growing shelters. You may want to look up old threads about tomatoes. I did notice my best luck was growing plants from the seed I "harvested" from the market tomatoes.... local type tomatoes. Sorry I can not be more helpful.
I am very interested in putting together an aquaponics set up in the future; so I have read many books and belong to a couple aquaponic forums. Everything I've read, folks say to not use turtles because of the possibility of salmonella being passed to your vegetables. I have no experience, just passing on what I've read quite often. Shawn
Good point. Wasn't thinking of it. Will research a bit. Seems like some exaggerate the risks, and some underestimates them out there.
I searched a bit more with my good friend Google and could not find any confirmed case of salmonella in aquaponics from turtles; but many postings saying not to do it. Even a few comments from folks with ponds full of turtles they will only use the pond water for trees and flowers not vegies. Personally I would err on the side of caution and just use tilapia. I think the local catfish would be pretty good to use, seem to be hardy as well. I like catfish but have not tried the local ones as I see some of the water they come out of. I think that is one of the cool things about aquaponics is you know where you veggies and fish come from. Shawn