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Seed and Plant exchange in begining of March

Discussion in 'Horticulture' started by Dave & Imp, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. kelpguy

    kelpguy DI Senior Member

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    tell the mouse(ette) that we're testing some homegrown sunflower seeds and will make sure she gets some plants if they are viable (that means grow : )

    norm : ))~
  2. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    I just come across this thread thought to let everyone know that I've got some organic seeds that I brought with me from Sydney since I've tried doing aquaponics but been really flat out with work and I don't want these seeds to go to waste.

    I've got some growing media's too like permits and expandable clays if anyone is interested as well as I can lend my hole saw set to make it easier to drill holes in pipes if anyone is into aquaponics
    They've been all sitting in my garage.

    Seeds that I have are the ff:
    Strawberries (I managed to grow them here using the growing media and a canna root grower as a liquid fertiliser

    Lettuce iceberg
    Aussie tomatoes (it grows best w perlite)

    Cherry tomatoes

    Red onions

    I'm from candau-ay btw
  3. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    Da*m auto correct.I meant to say I have the following growing media eg perlite (best for growing tomatoes) expandable clay balls (to be honest I find it easier to grow seeds from a growing media re hydroponic set up.it's less time consuming and maintenance

    Cabbage ( one kilo slow bolt)
    Tomatoes (grosse listed)
    Betroots (cylindrica)
    Cabbage (golden acre)
    Coriander (slow bolt)
    Cabbage (pak choi)
    Parsley (triple curl)
    Tomatoes (cherry cocktail)
    Betroots (crimson globe)
    Parsley (plain leaved 2)
    Broccoli (kailaan express)
    California wonder capsicum/pepper
    Strawberry (sweetheart)
    Red onion

    If anyone interested with the seeds I've mentioned above, just give me a yell.
  4. OP
    Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Bring you seeds and experiences with hydroponic

    If you can bring them on March 8, I am sure others would be interested in your seeds. Many do not seem to have seed to trade (or maybe you do not want to trade so you can just sell them as single unit seeds).

    I will be posting later a list of the seeds that I have for trade. I am also offering them for sale be with most between 1 and 2 pesos each.(Zucchini is very expensive here but I love it so it sells for 9 Peso). Most of the seeds I have purchased just for the group here this coming weekend. Most of the people who have posted do not seem to have seed to trade. It is easier for people to by 10 seed than to buy 200 and have 190 extra seed they do not know what to do with in the future.

    I am sure others would be interested in hearing about your hydroponic experience. :smile:


    Trophy Points:
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    Sherwood - as my guru/dr.dave & imp/haha stated before - best i buy at least 2 of everything.as i have stated earlier- totally new/novice here.so i will absorb as much as my 60yr old brain will allow = so speak slowly & repeat,repeat & rerepeat ! Thx big time
  6. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    Hi Dave,
    I'll bring them around. I haven't really gotten to the whole hydroponic set up yet since I just started with growing the seeds and that worked well but I kind of gotten really busy renovating a shop in bacong which isn't too far from your house so it'll be a good thing
    thing. I have like at least a 100 of each and about 500strawberry seeds since your a landscaper maybe you know better with what to do with them.

    Quick question... Do u.check.water pH.before using liquid fertilisers and have u ever used them?
  7. Vicmico

    Vicmico DI Member

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    I would be more than happy to take some of the capsicum seeds off your hands - been looking for good-sized capsicum in the area but only found the puny little things... We have grown some from seeds we collected from these puny ones but they stay miniature, so little use for it. Hope to see you Saturday.
  8. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    U can have them,I'm more worried of the seeds going to waste but I'd be really interested to see Dave's set up.I'm into gardening too but more into flowers eg orchids lol but it.doesn't hurt to try veggies for a change and you can't go.wrong learning a thing or.two from the guys here :-)
  9. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    Hi Vicmico,
    I have the aussie big capsicum ones.I grew them in Sydney but I haven't tried it here. I'll see if I can take photos some time later today and I'll post them here so u guys can take a pick :-)
  10. OP
    Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Chemical solutions

    No I have not check water PH here. I am just happy when I have water for the plants... others are happy when I have water for a shower...O-|. Seems like we do not have water during the day lately here i Bacong, only at night, so I run on my tank supply during the day. Just one more thing that is fun about living in the Philippines. The pH would be much more important for hydroponics than when planted in a soil medium. It would be nice to find a lab here that would do soil test for all the nutrients, pHs etc.

    My son grows a crop hydroponically in the the US. He has computers, with sensors and all the stuff. Very scientific type approach. Not the low-tech approach I am currently using myself here, I water when it does not rain... hahahah. I did not have a lot of experience with his set up but would be happy to connect you up with him if you like. I would discuss his set up in person.

    I do not use liquid fertilizers, as generally they are expensive and have not seen many around here. I do make my own fish emulsion but it stinks badly. I use dried fish or any fish the cats do not eat. Throw the fish in pail water and let it set until I use it , day, week or month. It smells horrible. I usually only apply it when I am going to cover up fish emulsion with soil because of the smell.

    I also put three fish in the bottom of each hole when I plant a plant from a container in the ground. I put the fish below the root ball of the plant. You can see when the roots arrive at the dead fish as the plant will start growing quickly. That is my solution for a slow release fertilizer here. :confused: