Yesterday at McD, some 70yo guy wanders in - barefoot, and starts begging for food or money off and expat by the door. The guard has him leave. Then about 45min later, I see another shoeless senior dressed in rags like the first one slowly ambling past McD front window. Some entrprenurial Filipino is importing seniors from the mountains to beg?
They are called "Badjao", and they are not new at all. They come up every year from Mindanao just before Christmas time. In another month or two their will be thousands of them in the area. Larry
its seems worse xmas is coming , one got inside Mc yesterday lol . i dont know the answer to it , maybe adopt cebu,s rules
There is always a group of Badjao here, selling pearls and brushes etc. up and down the boulevard, and begging in shifts while always carrying the sympathy baby. They sleep in a huddled mass around the entrances to Tops and Bottoms, where they also pee and crap. The additional ones that have recently appeared are the advance party for the horde that will swoop on the city for rich pickings during Buglasan, and stay here until after Christmas.