Even though our house and land officially had me listed as a "Filipina" (LOL) and I was legally on the deeds, etc...I would have inherited it after the death of my husband in 2014. I was able to sell the house and land without any difficulties after I returned to the U.S. I had given power of attorney authority to a Filipina friend there in Dumaguete and used attorney, Michael Miguel, to make sure everything went well. You can contact him if you find yourself needing a real estate attorney.
Best Posts in Thread: Selling inherited property
Not quoted here because the parties are still living in the areaAttached Files:
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Almost the same for hereditary acquisition; the chances of a foreigners wife dying before they do (especially considering the age difference in most foreigner-Filipino marriages) is small, but not zero. At least this one has some merit and is worth being discussed. Almost all other exceptions to the law are useless to a foreigner (that was not originally born a Filipino citizen or has since become a Filipino citizen). Any attempt to circumvent the law using these exceptions/loopholes to own (or acquire, semantics) land in the Philippines has been addressed by the Supreme Court. The SC has regularly held up the "spirit of the law" every time people try to use the letter of the law. So the semantics is completely irrelevant, you cannot own land since you cannot acquire land, minus the few legal exceptions written into the law, which I have thoroughly addressed in previous posts.-
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