My wife and I went shopping yesterday or should I say tried to go shopping, Hypermarket first, only limited amount of people allowed in, one out one in so the result is a long line of people standing outside in the sun.
Gave up on that and went to Robinsons, same policy there but at least the line was inside and managed like a game of musical chairs, this meant you could move every now and then to a chair someone had just vacated and during the wait you can suck up the free air con.
I am not a medical expert but I would think if you want to avoid the virus the best way is to do your shopping as quickly as possible then go home not spend hours in the vicinity of other people.
The guard told us the shop opens at 10am and people had started queueing at 7.30am.
We did not bother with Citymall but I presume it was the same.
Anyway it will increase the business of the small shops as we and I think a lot of other people went to them and got most of the things we wanted there.
Best Posts in Thread: Shopping, who thinks this stuff up ?
tuba-coma DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer
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In Toronto a lot of people use the trains to travel from outlying cities to work.
A lot of people started working from home. The managers of the train system decided to reduce the number of cars and scheduled trains so the cars would be full.-
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It looks like the confusion has already begun.
According to a guideline published in another thread Public Markets will remain open. That sounds good. I stopped to buy milk/baked goods alongside the highway in Buntis Bacong. The lady running the stall told me she is closed after Friday because her barangay captain will not give her a pass. All she knew was there is one pass per house and her husband got it. Did the barangay captain mis-understand the guidelines or did he make up his own rules?
My thoughts are she is a food vendor and maybe qualified. But being along the highway might not be considered the public market.
If only the public market's will be opened then the fish market in Bacong might be closed as it's on private property. There will be mayhem.
The mayors in town and cities have a lot of power so we will see what happens. If the mayor (his enforcers) in Dumaguete decide a colour coded pass is required there will be more mayhem.
EDIT: The mayors have enough power they can ignore some national laws like the helmet law for example.-
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Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer
Now we got a liquor ban on top of everything else. Good thing I stocked up yesterday at Lees since Sophia's has been closed since Tuesday.
Mayor wants two weeks, not a problem. Please pass the wine and I'll have a single shot of Malt, Whiskey, Crown or Bourbon with the news than you.-
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In Davyl200 post he said his barangay captain did not even know the governor had issued an executive order. Maybe your captain didn't read it either.-
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What I've seen this week is that mornings are waaay too busy, everywhere. Well, at Lee, City Mall and both Robinsons. Things *seemed* to slow down a bit yesterday afternoon, at least at Lee. Dropped the wife off about 1pm and she was in & out in an hour.
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DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
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