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Siquijor lawer shot

Discussion in 'News and Weather' started by alex, Jun 3, 2016.

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  1. jimf

    jimf DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    • Quote removed due to it being altered. Please do not modify other user's content. Thanks.
    Fixed it for ya.
    A bit more simple perhaps?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2016
  2. jimf

    jimf DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Being a consumer and being a dealer are quite different.
    Would I think twice about dealing when the dealer down the street just took four in the chest and two in the head?
    d*mn right I would...and so would you!
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  3. Jens K

    Jens K DI Senior Member

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    No. The killer is still a killer, and murder is considered worse a crime than dealing with forbidden substances in most jurisdictions.
  4. Jens K

    Jens K DI Senior Member

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    If the alternative is no job at all, or working my @ss off for 300 pesos a day? Not so sure. The guy down the street being out of business leaves a market that somebody has to and will serve. The question is just who will do it and for how long (There will be clever enough guys who will learn by example how to avoid being shot like the guy before them).

    Just recently I heard about the new generation of drug lords in Colombia - no more parties girls and fast cars - they keep a low profile and stay small, but in total are more productive than Escobar at his best. Billions of :greedy: went there for the war on drugs, a lot of people got killed, and what's the result? Exactly nothing has changed. And why? Because the market is there, and somebody will always serve it.
  5. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    Not in most Asian jurisdictions, I believe. You are trying to enforce western ideology on Asia.
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  6. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    Medellin has become a nice place to live, so they say. Isn't that the entire point?
  7. Jens K

    Jens K DI Senior Member

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    It is indeed from what I can tell being there 3 years ago. So is Cartagena, question is despite or because shoe cleaning boys having a well known snow white special offer in their boxes?
  8. Jens K

    Jens K DI Senior Member

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    I'm not trying to enforce anything. The fact that current thinking of some people here fits your thinking doesn't make it right.

    No doubt laws in Asian countries are off here and there, draconian penalties for stupid but innocent tourists unknowingly smuggling drugs somebody put into their luggage included, not to mention backwards sexist laws stemming from too much influence of Catholics here in the phils. But I digress. Some 'western' countries and most prominently the US of A could do a lot better in terms of human rights as well. Cannot change it, but still I'll say so. not a particularly popular topic in your corner of the world, I know.

    Selling drugs to people can have none or many consequences, maybe death through abuse, maybe not. It's like selling guns - some will kill, some not - it's all up to the user. So if giving guns to people with which they can kill others is right, how can it be wrong to give drugs to people with which they can at most kill themselves? How can a drug dealer deserve death while the gun dealer is a well regarded business man? It's a bigot and sick situation, especially because not all drug dealers are treated equally - some select drugs (which as well cause addiction and serious illness) are considered legal, despite their devastating effects on society (cheap liquor and a pack of cigarettes for a dollar anyone?).

    in my book dealing with whatever drug is a lesser crime than killing somebody. Dealing takes a buyer and a seller, and an agreement. ending a life is the ultima ratio, there is nothing more you can do to make it worse, and there's no agreement between the parties involved. Even as a law enforcing state you have rarely 100% certainty that somebody is guilty. Which is why most western countries have no death penalty any more.
  9. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    Too bad you are unhappy with the Philippines.

    I think you are making an erroneous assumption;

    " The fact that the current thinking of some people here fits your thinking doesn't make it right." I have never advocated extrajudicial killings outside of terrorism, which I consider to be war. I am a libertarian. I would drop drugs on every street corner and allow people to take a kilo if they like, free of charge.

    You appear to be replying to what you wish I said because it fits your bias and not what I say.

    What I have been advocating is allowing the Filipino people to decide for themselves.
  10. Cletus

    Cletus DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    After many years of being pro drug war advocate I have begun to take a different view on the war on some drugs.
    In US there are many drugs prescribed by doctors and make it to the streets for sale. Only the outlaw drugs are warred against for the most part.
    I agree that drugs, all drugs, should be legalized and taxed at a reasonable amount and sold. It would instantly put the drug dealers out of business which in turn would stop the violence associated with turf wars. It would also void many crimes, which are not being enforced in Philippines any way.
    Probably not going to happen but one can dream.
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