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Smart Bro allowable usage policy

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by johncarson, May 16, 2013.

  1. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    No limit imposed on me....yet, but I just got a fresh load today, so time will tell.

    Are you trying to make me depressed? :confused: "Speed" (joke!) is below:


    I normally work online from now through the night. Late afternoon through early evening is usually the slowest going by my past experience. Fastest is usually around 2-3 A.M. when there is no traffic. If I think of it, I'll retest and post the speed I get early tomorrow morning.
  2. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    Just asking, you get grade D and I get grade F. I think I'm the one depressed. Haa Haa joke.
  3. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    And may be Speed will help stop the :cool: depression.
  4. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

    Trophy Points:
    +15 / 2
    Hehe True! It normally gets faster, at least for me, as the night progresses. I get too frustrated trying to get anything major online done during the day.
  5. OP

    johncarson DI Member Veteran Army

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    USA, Dauin
    +252 / 19
    Don’t know if this info will be useful to anyone, but I figured out how I used my Smart allotment in the first two weeks of this month. Generally Tuesday through Saturday mornings, I stream CNN USA on my computer for a couple of hours. I didn’t realize the amount of bandwidth I was using during that time. I can cut back on that (I’ll have to for the rest of this month, since I’m reduced to 0.19). My main gripe with Smart is that they made no effort to inform me of the new limitation on my usage. There are many ways they could have made this information known short of drastically reducing my service and telling me the reason only when I finally got through to a service rep.
  6. flxibl2006

    flxibl2006 DI Member

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    Globe has been providing me with internet and phone for the last 3 years and the few times I've had a problem they were quick to send someone out to fix it. The speed is pretty consistent with downloads between 200 and 250 kbps actual speed regardless of what Speedtest.net says. My only complaint is that when service was interrupted with Bagyo Sendong and Pablo the credit for service interruption took a long time coming. I would like a faster connection but I am not willing to pay $100 per month for just internet service. I am waiting for Philproducts to run cable with internet up the hill here and I would check into that for sure. Dream satellite TV is horrible.


    How did you load speedtest picture on to your post?
  7. flxibl2006

    flxibl2006 DI Member

    Trophy Points:
    +2 / 0
    This was supposed to be with my op

    Smart had 0 customer service for me at 2 locations. They have no communication between their customer service line, their office or their contractors. If you somehow have the time and patients to actually get an appointment to have someone come out you better not miss their call. Once (the last straw for me) the contractor called, the phone rang twice then no more. I tried to call the number back but that number was for calling out only not receiving calls. Nor could it receive texts. I called the customer service line immediately and when I finally got thru to someone and explained what happened they said they had no way to contact the contractor. So, I drove to the Smart office in Robinsons and told them the story and they can not reach the contractor OR customer service. Not one of their departments can communicate with each other so you see where that goes. I had previously been told for weeks "sorry sir, we are upgrading that area" excuse for why my internet did not work. Then i started checking the wires at the house...it had become rat food. I told them if their upgrades included rats chewing thru wires in my attic that the upgrade was complete. after a month of going back and forth with them I gave up and called Globe, they installed their service in 2 days and it works fine now at both of our accounts.
  8. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

    Trophy Points:
    +15 / 2
    1) You actually got a credit from Smart Bro??!! [​IMG]
    2) The speed you are getting with Globe is half-way decent. Which package do you have?
    3) I hear you on price. I liked Sky Cable that I had when I lived in Bacong, but it was pricey.
    4) How to post an image?
    Just type around the link to your image. There is another easier way, but it takes more of an explanation.

    3.5 hours does make a difference with internet speed. Especially when it puts you into off-peak hours.


    3.5 hours or so earlier tonight
  9. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

    Trophy Points:
    +15 / 2
    VERY early A.M

  10. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    View attachment 9338

    Globe in bacong,most of the time it's ok here but it took us a year to get this speed from them, the tech guys are pretty helpful with a small bribe :smile:

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