While enjoying the sunshine and drinking chilled beer by the Boulevard, spare a thought to the poor devils who like me are freezing back in Europe....today is minus 5 and getting colder! More snow has been forecasted for the next few days....Rhoody, don't you just miss all this? Not a bit? :D
Looks like Winnpeg now....except not as cold! lol Last week we had -30's to -40's with windchill, cold even for us! Can't wait to go back to Duma........for as long as humanly possible!!!!!!!
Can't wait To travel to RP tomorrow morning and leave the snow behind in north England, airports were closed down for a time, but open now See you guys later for some cold ones, and i don't want ice lol
Union Jack, I am in Angeles at the moment visiting my 2 DI - Friends and Partners, and believe me, we had enough Ice already, from the Ice skating court in the Mall of Asia to cooling down the drinks in their pool day and night-time... (btw, a pool where most resorts in Duma would be more than jealous) So I do not see anything wrong with ice Jim, have a great trip, drop me a line when you arrive, to meet for a cold one or two or three , I will be back in Duma tomorrow
Yes indeed... Snow is amazing, snow lits up your spirit, snow makes sceneries beautiful but this is no longer funny, can't even go to work. Wish we're both there in PI by now.
don't you think it is a bit unfair to stay at home from work just to put Chris in the garden and cover him with snow ?????
I couldn't even stand the high cool temperature of an air-conditioned room---with snow? I don't want to think about it.
Snow, I remember it well, wonderful when you are a kid and can play in it but when you have to shovel it, work and drive in it, its a whole nother story. Throw a snowball at a huge truck for me(but not the cab, boy is that a mistake).