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sorry to bring it up ahain

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by alex, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. moveingon

    moveingon DI Member

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    Then i guess by his standards that makes (him included) filipinos immoral, lyres, thief's, kidnapers, whores, extortionist and uneducated!

    How sad that he has such a narrow view of mankind.
  2. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    I made mention on the Page last night he may have been fishing for compensation... :(

    Josh Uban: 6 hours ago
    Ever wondered why Mark Cohen was kicked out of Chile? (Search Google more for, “Marc”, with a “c”, Cohen — acceptable replacement of “k” in Spanish.)

    These articles prove that Mark Cohen was found to have committed fraud by claiming to be blind. The supermarket where he also figured in a similar bout as in Robinsons was able to record in their CCTV Mark Cohen driving his car. This promoted them to pursue the case with a Chilean organization for PWDs.

    This is the statement issued by the director of the Chilean organization for PWDs:
    ¡Para no más abusos! « Diario y Radio Uchile

    The statement found in the link, when translated in English using simple Google Translate, says this:

    “Paulina Bravo, a lawyer and President of the Corporation of Guide Dog Users Chile and user guide dog brought from USA.

    Cecilia Marre, Director and Founder of the Corporation Bocalán Trust, an institution that trains assistance dogs for over ten years in our country.

    Carolina Perez, host of radio program dedicated to disability, 'Going Afloat', columnist, speaker and user of a service dog for physical disability.

    The order just last week, was released in the central newscast Chilevisión, TVN, radio Bio Bio and web radio, a note in which it is alleged that a blind person, accompanied by his dog guide had been refused admission to a Jumbo supermarket in the city of Concepción. The incident, which was present police, ended the discrimination cases, getting a Tablet and other gifts that were delivered by the supermarket as compensation for discrimination, and in order to prevent the blind person continue with the corresponding report and subsequent prosecution.

    In this regard we denounce:
    That the alleged Canadian citizen named Marc Cohen, on the facts alleged, committed fraud by posing as a blind person, leaving his deception revealed by a video which shows him climbing into his car and go driving in the same place where he had entered as a blind person.
    Mr. Marc Cohen, tried to pass his dog as a guide dog, making unlawful use of a harness, working implement this type of assistance dogs to identify it as a guide dog for the blind, as provided in the regulations complements the law 20.025.

    Mr. Marc Cohen, is irregularly upheld the law 20.422, which guarantees the full exercise of all the rights enshrined in our legal system by persons with disabilities, causing a serious conflict in place by a deception that finally allowed achieve "financial compensation".

    We want to publicly denounce this situation, because not only violates the Chilean Law No. 20.025 which regulates the availability, use, and training assistance dogs, but also because it violates the dignity and rights of persons with disabilities, especially those with visual impairment, and can legitimately enter their service dogs to all public and private places of public access.

    Mr. Gustavo Contreras, who appears as a witness of discrimination and coaching guide dog discrimination alleged victim is a person who we know personally, and who spoke directly after being informed of the facts, asking the corresponding explanations, because we know with absolute certainty that he is not coaching assistance dogs, let alone guide dogs, for which there is no specialty in our country coach.

    We therefore explain the entire public that supported Mr. Marc Cohen, in good faith thinking that he was actually a blind person a victim of discrimination because of disability, by a ruse he mocked the laws that protect the rights of persons with disabilities to obtain by deception, benefits of alleged discrimination based on a disability that no, seriously damaging his reprehensible act, the credibility of the people who actually have a disability and require for their effective autonomy of a dog support for greater independence.

    Messrs Marc Cohen and Gustavo Contreras, his reprehensible conduct further damaged the image of nonprofit institutions that provide free assistance dogs to people with different disabilities in our country, free labor that allows not only the full autonomy of people with disabilities, also full social inclusion and active participation in society, as members are one human family.”

    ¡Para no más abusos! « Diario y Radio Uchile

  3. oztony

    oztony DI Senior Member Blood Donor

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  4. tomtorific

    tomtorific DI Senior Member

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    Fill a 16oz bottle with 1/4 dish soap, 1/4 vinegar then top off with water. Shake well.....wait wait wait that was for ridding pest of a different breed.(Sorry wrong thread):rolleyes:
  5. oztony

    oztony DI Senior Member Blood Donor

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  6. tomtorific

    tomtorific DI Senior Member

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    In the 1st video it was evident to me that Mr. Blindman Bluff Marky had fullsight. When the Manager(?) bent down to shake his hand Marky extended his hand. Perhaps we all witnessed a miracle?

    The 2nd video shows him driving away with his right brake light out. he should have been arrested at that point. That will never play in Dumaguete, driving without functional signal and brake lights....wink wink.
  7. Irenicus

    Irenicus DI Member

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    +46 / 7
    Well, it seems as if Mark is having a little meet and greet at MacDonald's today at 4 PM. Don't know if you want to check it out or not. Bring a gas mask just in case. I will be there as well in case anyone - ummmm - wants a personal apology for my earlier statements.


    [Email begins]

    I´ll be at the McDonalds in Dumaguete on Perdices (the one on the corner with tables and chairs outside) at 4:00 PM today, Wednesday, September 10th. I will answer any questions that anyone has to ask Preference to asking questions will be given to Posers, Bashers, and Haters.

    Please bring your microphones and cameras. Please do not bring your dogs.
    Please try to be respectful and not disruptive.

    If there are too many people we'll go the the Plaza. If you arrive late and we are not there, we will be at the Plaza nearby. Look for the large Golden Retriever.

    I will notify the Police in advance to be prepared in case a riot breaks out.

    I will give a free Assistance Dog training seminar at 8:00 pm in the plaza.

    The Posers, Bashers, and Haters have become my best friends. I should hire them as publicists. The louder they "qvetch" (Yiddish for complain) the more attraction Dumaguete is getting in Dumaguete, the Philippines, and worldwide.

    [There's more but I am sure someone else will post it]
  8. tomtorific

    tomtorific DI Senior Member

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    +108 / 30
    Perfect venue for declaring him persona non grata. I'm sure would draw a large crowd. In the absence of that event..........MEH
  9. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    .. Just 1 person missing.!

    I am not a betting man But I give 100/1 he is NOT There.

  10. Firefly44

    Firefly44 DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +71 / 4
    A good Guy .. Henry.. Just posted on Youtube..


    Take care all..