It's 1:00 in the morning you think it's going? Mr. Cohen just happened to be the unlucky guy who managed to catch the attention of my caffeine induced super human focus. I found his deleted Facebook and Twitter profiles from Ecuador and Panama, along with some other profiles (strange a man with a serious seizure problem would be an avid diver.....I wonder if Happy is certified diver as well). Unfortunately I haven't found a cached copy of them......yet. There is more information that I found that I'm saving for a rainy day. I will just warn anyone who might argue on his behalf that it is a very unwise thing to do. This man is poison and screws up everything he touches. He is not who he says he is. It's almost never good when a person attempts (and I do mean "attempts") to delete his life. He has made very subtle hints in his videos and conversations that leads me to believe he is not who he actually says he is. His life story prior to leaving Canada doesn't add up and he is getting his lies mixed up.....unless he had reconstructive facial surgery, died, and then came back to life and immediately left Canada. Oops, I've said too much.
After seeing the video and reading of his latest adventure these questions come to mind.... whats this guy's disability? He seems to walk very well, has good strength (as shown in video when he was rattling the doors), he is not afraid of physical confrontation (pushed guard) , has good lung capacity (yells very loud). I have met many people here who turn disabilities into abilities by their ability to rise above their imperfections... This gentleman should maybe blame the reflection in the mirror for his problems, not society.....
Take note of his needs in his quote from in the Panama link i posted. "I have a disability that necessitates me having a certified Guide Dog for the Blind" then take note of the video he posted on his Youtube account where he is in the mall in Panama. He is wearing sun glasses that a blind person would wear. I haven't listened carefully enough....and even loaded up with caffeine my Spanish is still pretty bad....but I believe I heard the word "ciego" (blind) thrown around several times. But then he also stated, "I would also like to buy a used car." Really? Make up your mind. The guy has a new disability for every country he goes to.
LOL I was wondering what the time zone was in Afganistan, so I checked when You made the last post. I knew the answer before I asked. :D
I am not a medically trained Professional, however I have been home schooled in the disciplined area of OB/GYN. Seems to me the most obvious disability "Marky" has is the inability to tell the truth.
This video has been removed by the user. Sorry about that. ALWAYS the squeaky wheel or the lunatic minority that makes the most noise and attracts the most (undeserved) attention... :(
Ah, so he is awake. Good. Maybe he has some answers. No worries though, I have a 6 terabytes of memory. He won't be able to delete everything he has done here. All videos and posts saved just in case he tries to pack up and move to another country.
Sad to see he's only out of Dumaguete. I'd of rather he be deported as an unwanted foreigner and blacklisted personally. While I tend to tell people to fight against bad business and make sure you get what you pay for I really do NOT want a foreigner here making all foreigners look bad trying to change the country to suit their special interests. Those who come here and find that the Philippines is NOT friendly or suited to them in the majority need to pack up and GTFO. Try and fix small issues in a good and positive way IF your going to (unless a company/business is scamming u, then bash a few verbal skulls). If not, move along.