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Best Posts in Thread: Stranded Foreigners?

  1. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Apparently not much of that "thinking" stuff going on.
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  2. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    Could be worse, Ellen Degenerate or that WEIRD Gay Night time Host that looks like he had sucked on a lemon before the show started... :huh: He CREEPS me out!

    Altho I do like the Australian version of Dear Abby we had here yonks ago that had all sorts of funny Dear Abby Questions and Answers, similar to;

    Dear Abby,

    My husband is a liar and a cheat. He has cheated on me from the beginning, and when I confront him, he denies everything. What's worse, everyone knows he cheats on me. It is so humiliating. Also, since he lost his job four years ago he hasn't even looked for a new one. All he does is buy cigars and cruise around and bull shi7 with his pals, while I have to work to pay the bills. Since our daughter went away to college he doesn't even pretend to like me and hints that I am a lesbian. What should I do?

    Signed, Clueless

    Dear Clueless:

    Grow up and dump him. For Pete's sake, you don't need him anymore. You're a United States Senator from New York, act like it!
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  3. tunji oluwajuyemi

    tunji oluwajuyemi DI Forum Adept

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    At least he didnt say Jerry Springer... They say people can die and go to hell, but i believe some people experience worse, they stay alive and go to Jerry Springer show...
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  4. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    I have no hope for any sort of good sense to prevail in this situation. But of course, I'm not an expert on the issues of immigration either.

    It seems to me that in dealing with stranded foreigners, you should be doing everything possible to help them to get home. The Philippines should be offering any non monetary support they could offer.

    * Post the exact process and penalties for overstays who turn themselves in. Without this information, there is only fear, uncertainty and doubt.

    * Possibly make counselors available to advise overstays with a promise of anonymity.

    * Allow foreigners to leave without paying penalties and then require that they pay the penalties before being allowed back into the country. If someone is being fined $100 or more per month, then it's entirely possible that the person could at one point to be doing well enough to leave, but not to pay large overstay fees.

    * Allow foreigners to walk free as overstays as long as they follow certain procedures. For example, you go to the immigration office on the same schedule as foreigners who aren't overstays even if you can't afford to extend the visa. You get the penalty, maybe you get assigned to someone to help you figure out a solution, but you are compliant to the laws as a special immigration case.

    Of course, this would require resources that the country doesn't have. Just as with the drug war in the U.S. - the laws will likely stay crazy and not provide a solution.

    Maybe some of these things are possible, but the immigration laws aren't very clear. Just reading through the forum, you can see that many foreigners are confused or not informed on just about every change. There should be a far reaching and highly accessible campaign to spread information for immigration changes. I receive emails, offers to talk on the phone, FAQ's, documentation, forums, email / phone support and a ton of other ways to interact with U.S. private services I consume. Why can't I do the same with Philippines immigration?

    Again, the U.S. screws this up with taxes, so I can't blame the Philippines for not being accessible on immigration law.

    Right now I think most stranded overstays feel like fugitives on the run. No f*cking way are they going to turn themselves in just to get locked up. That may not be what happens, but I could see them thinking this way.

    Side Note:

    Wrye, I think you are placing too much focus on the trolls. It takes the thread off-topic. Just ban, possibly delete and post a canned response.
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  5. MalmoMan

    MalmoMan Guest Guest User

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  6. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    I actually liked Malmoman's Post (or is that Edited Post not having read the pre-edited version?)
    He hits it bang on the head for me, the Guys I speak to here who have been to the Philippines have gone for all the wrong reasons and I do NOT like their stories of what they got up to there... I know quite a few Guys here who are married to Filipina and so far only one has set off my radar.

    I do not drink, will never go to a bar, do not gamble, will never attend pool halls or the likes, will live as Filipino live in the barangay, not in some gated community, will attempt my best to learn Visayan and Tagalog where I hope I will be able to hold a conversation, have planned everything regards a permanent Monthly income and will also take out Medical Insurance for my Family etc... No Flash Car, no Flash Clothes, Shoes or Jewelry etc Thankfully asawa is very frugal and refuses to waste money on clothes or shoes she cannot wear everyday and who is happy for me to live in their Nipa Hut instead of renting a fancy house. I have been with three women in my life, each I have eventually married, the first two were far from faithful, hopefully I have done my homework this time around...

    I have been stung and learnt my lesson, albeit after several hurtful stings, it caused me to be super wary and take my time, which turned out to be around 5+ years of talking online to my now Wife BEFORE I went there to meet her.

    One previous GF; So young sweet and naive... Or so I thought... Soon I funded her to move to Manila, to rent a Studio apartment, I was paying fr her Electricity, Water, Food on top of the 4,000 pesos Support I sent to her each Two Weeks... I tried to get her to "Budget" but for a while there I thought that was a word that never existed in their vocabulary... She eats out each and every night, she wears Fashion Dresses and outfits supposedly bought from Ukay... I flew her Home for special occasions, soon I discovered I was also supporting her two Sisters in High School as well as her Brother in College whilst also paying for her to attend College doing a Care Giver's Course! A SIX month Course, that after 2 1/2 Years she still did not obtain her Certificate which I paid for to Fast track at least Four times!

    I tried helping her to start a Business to help me to help her. First was when I sent her money and her Mother beat her and took it from her to start the Family Business, $200.00 AUD worth of Rice. I explained how you broke it up, resold for profit, take profit, reinvest, keep doing so until there was enough Rice to sell each week and the excess in profit went to helping them to buy food as well they could afford to eat some of that Rice. All understood; systems go!
    WRONG! After they sold the Rice and spent the money on Bills, her Mother demanded she get another $200 from me to keep 'their business' going, in my mind that business was called "Scam Central"...

    Then I discovered her photos on one of her cousins FB Pages, she had met an american guy whilst we were engaged, so I DUMPED HER! Her cousin phoned me and snapped her SIM Card so the guy could no longer contact her yada yada yada... Right! She continued 'Testing me' by getting her friends to message me trying to see if I was single and available, I do not play sill flirt games when I am with someone, so was blunt with them, she was happy I was devoted to her, I had passed 'her test'. Then I got to thinking... So I tested her, I made up an email address which was 99% identical to her 'ex' then I messaged her... ARGGHH!! FAILED! Then somehow it all got flipped onto me as being the bad guy??? Then; her Father fell ill and died. I know this was true, but I took the time to study her behaviour.

    It took me 6 months to get her out of the clutches of her mother (who was blackmailing me for more More MORE MONEY) in the province back to Manila, where her attitude did not improve any, she told me when her Papa died a part of her died also, hmmm... Okay I could understand that... But one night I was so tired, so fed up, I looked up and asked the Big Guy upstairs; "If there is anything, please give me a sign"... In a daze I typed in "Philippines Dating" into Google, I saw a link for a Dating Site I had only ever gone to and typed into the search feature when seeking before, but here was the site with Philippines at the end of the address, I clicked onto the link, I looked at the first row of girls, looked left to right, looked down to scan back to the left when lo and behold! There was her picture at the end of the 3rd row! I opened it, read everything she had thrown to me as bait, single virgin since birth, boyfriend free since birth "yes it's true teehee" she wrote...

    For 3 days I danced around her, watching her on the Dating Site, being fed excuses as to why she could not speak to me whilst she was busy Fishing for new Suckers, the 3rd night I sent her the link to her profile on the Dating Site, "Oi? What is this"? I told her to open it... Next thing I got was "You b@st@rd guy you do not trust me! F**k you! Why you not trust me huh?? You do not know why I do this! I only do it so when a guy says he loves me I block him to hurt his heart". Like an Atomic Bomb my world imploded... IDIOT! SCAMMED! FOOL! A million other gut wrenching emotions scrambled my brain! Then; she blocked me, left right and centre, I was blocked, until around 6 weeks later she came begging for Rice because her family had abandoned her, and guess what this IDIOT did?

    Then again; I watched her posting pictures, eating at Restaurants, Fashion Clothes, new iPhone, then a trip to Thailand, then China, then Malaysia, by this time I was the one making excuses as to why I could no longer send... I just wish I was strong enough not to believe their pitiful lies mate, I could have been living there close to 10 years ago! My last Wife once told me; "A Cheetah cannot change its spots, it is what it is, and a Cheater is the same, they cannot change either"... She turned out to be the latter and had spoken cryptic, but very wise words to me which I carry with me always... If they think you are stupid enough to believe their lies the first time, they WILL try it on you a second time, leading to;
    "Fool me once, Shame on you! But; Fool me twice, Shame on me!"
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  7. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    2 million over stayed "foreigners" eh? The vast majority of overstaying "foreigners" are from other Asian countries. China likely makes up the vast majority of these "foreigners". Sure, there are guys from every country who couldn't cut it in their own country and can't cut it here, but they are a minority (just as with the Chinese tourists....there just happens that there are a LOT more of them.)
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  8. tunji oluwajuyemi

    tunji oluwajuyemi DI Forum Adept

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    Make a collection of these stories and the links and keep a folder/file of them to use as point makers.. I posted one story like this to my girls message box to explain what i was feeling after sending her money 3 times to get her papers in order to travel and she calls on me a fourth time for more money and no papers even though i sent her 4 times the amount needed as she would maybe want a cell phone and air time and transport and eat out and so .. She replies back asking if i think she did the poor guy like that, so i posted a picture from her friends face book of her friends holding up pistols and then another of her friends in a picture holding her.... She got the picture of what i was thinking and i doubt she did that to the guy but she has to consider how i may feel about how she is doing me ... She told me the pistols were toys and i told her she can have the money i sent her, but if she wants to be with me, she can find a way to get her passport to travel and then i will believe she wants to be with me.. I toldd her she can sell her nice cell phone and d clothes and stuff she bought and pay for her documents to travell and then i will send her more money to buy phone and clothes and then travel with her to thailand and then she can come with me to USA and go to college and go from there what she likes.... Maybe she will give up and keep the 500 bucks $ shes gotten so far and just stay there in what she calls not easy and short on rice/food to eat...I guess i should be happy to save the thousands more it would cost to travell with her and come to america with her... Can't Imagine why she would want to stay in her $75 a month house helper job for an extra year when i have been ready to support her, get her passport, take her to visit in thailand and then start her petition to come to america with me and get her into college and get the cost of school covered for her too. She finally said if i dont send her more money, then we can forget our plans, so i said its her choice cause i sent more than enough so far and she is cutoff until she shows effort to ready to travel with me....Maybe i will come there again and see if she is done with excuses and go with me directly to pay for her passport and the rest and move along.... Or maybe just move on to someone who is more like me, when the right opportunity i am looking for is before me and all laid out waiting, i leave behind my slavery as a house helper and go to whats important to me..... I must not be important to her and i can't make her regard me as important enough to move on with me.. Im not poor but i know enough to know if i spend all my worth on someone keeping a distance from me and not making effort to close that distance, then i best save my worth for the ones close at hand are worth more than a thousand off in the wilds of the earth...

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  9. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    We have a lot of immigrants who aren't documented. They often get jobs that citizens don't want to do.

    Just sayin' there are 7 billion people on this planet. The average monthly world income looks closer to that of the Philippines than it does the U.S. or Australia. Having the resources to support yourself for an extended amount of time is a luxury. Yet there is a lot of immigrating going on. Most have to get by just like people have been doing for centuries, by hustling.

    We are discussing 1st world problems.
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  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    At least you don't have to worry about being cold when you are homeless.
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