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Best Posts in Thread: SUGAR

  1. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    A lot of discussion recently on the Forum about obesity and its link with sugar consumption, so I thought I would 'crawl out from under my rock again' ( :smile: ) and write something about the very wide range of effects that sugar has on the body.

    We are all aware of much of what I write below, but in such postings we cannot leave out what we think is obvious on the assumption it is obvious to everyone (also because someone will immediately respond with "Eh mate, call yourself a biologist? What about tooth decay? Missed that didn't ya! Bl**dy know-all scientists!" or maybe not :smile: )

    If one person finds even one fact they did not know before or the posting causes one thought about sugar intake for that person and his family (the damage starts YOUNG) then it is worth the time writing such postings - after all, what else do I have to do???

    A major point about sugar (the body's energy source) is that its presence is often disguised in foods by using a variety of names - so we can easily consume more than we think.


    (from https://www.webmd.com/diabetes/features/how-sugar-affects-your-body).

    Another issue is that, as with the unlikelihood of getting the balance in intake/output exactly right at any moment in time, the body has to convert unused glucose (a simple sugar consumed as glucose or produced from other more-complex sugars by metabolism) into glycogen (a complex sugar) and store it, usually in muscle tissue (of the skeletal system) and the liver. BUT, there is limited storage capacity for glycogen and so excess glycogen is then converted to FAT (which is a more compact form of storage). Glycogen is the easiest storage form to convert back to glucose for use in the body and stored fat converts back only when the glycogen is depleted (glucose < > glycogen < > fat). Thus, when we build up fat (adipose tissue) we find it difficult to get rid of when we continue to consume more sugar than the body requires.

    So, exercise uses glucose converted from stored glycogen and then from stored fat - if we consume only the amount of sugar the body needs then there is no excess to store and if we consume excess sugar there is no way to prevent fat accumulation other than using it up by sufficient activity (exercise). This is the simple story of 'diet and exercise' and the link to obesity. This is the point @Rye83 makes: that if (in energy terms) input exceeds output then you get fat/obese. In simple terms: You cannot do work/exercise (use energy) unless you input energy BUT also you cannot remove excess energy (stored as fat) unless you do work/exercise (i.e. use up energy).

    However, there is much more to sugar than a bulging waist:

    As a general issue: Too much sugar causes the release of insulin and stress hormones, which raises the level of inflammation within the body. This can have very damaging effects all over the body, as seen below.

    Heart and circulatory disease can be linked to excess inflammation and the accumulation of fats, both caused by excess sugar intake. This can leads to heart attacks and strokes.

    When the liver stores too much fat, it causes liver cells to become fat cells and results in 'non-alcoholic fatty liver disease' - this can progress to liver failure in the same way excessive alcohol consumption can. This may require a liver transplant.

    The pancreas helps control blood sugar levels by producing the hormone insulin but this mechanism can fail if it is 'overworked' by consuming too much sugar - it starts to produce too much insulin and this may result in Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

    An effect of diabetes is to cause kidney damage. The kidneys filter impurities from the blood so any decrease in function can be very serious.

    Excess inflammation can be responsible for joint damage and pain. (Decreasing sugar intake might be a better first approach to joint pain than reaching for medications).

    Another side effect of inflammation is in causing damage to the skin fibres (collagen and elastin) that keep the skin firm, so making your skin age faster (wrinkly and sagging!).

    Bacteria in the mouth cause tooth decay as they feed on sugar and convert it to lactic acid. The acid is strong enough to erode the outer-covering of teeth (the enamel) and get to the softer inside (dentine) and destroy it rapidly.

    Finally, and maybe most importantly (not): Sugar may have an impact on achieving an erection because of the effect on the blood circulatory system. So cut out that late night/early morning/midday/early evening/whenever coke(s)!
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  2. NamasteEvents

    NamasteEvents DI New Member Showcase Reviewer

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    You make a lot of wonderful and useful points in your post about sugar in the diet. Those who are obese, diabetic or prediabetic would do well to read and learn from your post.
    What's also true is that any form of carbohydrates are also converted to glucose in the blood - essentially having the same effect as sugar.
    Breads, pasta, rice and other grains, fruits, and root veges like beets and potatoes (white or sweet) are all carbohydrate-heavy - and so have a very similar effect on obesity and insulin resistance.
    I gained 40 lbs in the last year, and was diagnosed in August 2020 with diabetes at the Ace Doctors Hospital. Of course, they prescribed a maintenance drug - Metformin - to lower my insulin levels. But I have always rejected the idea of taking foreign chemicals into my body on an ongoing basis. I researched diabetes and obesity extensively, and have been able to reverse diabetes and drop 30 lbs. in the 3-1/2 months since my diabetes diagnosis. And dropped 5 inches from my waistline.
    • Those heavy 40 liter drinking water bottles we lug around? I have dropped 3/4 the weight of one of those. I hike a lot around Valencia and Negros Oriental, I would hire a porter rather than carry a backpack that heavy.
    It was not terribly difficult to achieve those results.
    For those who are interested in how that occurred I've written about it in this article How to Reverse Diabetes and Lose Belly Fat in 60 Days.
    Losing weight and belly fat, improving organ function, and reversing insulin resistance add lifestyle quality and years to our lives. We've worked so hard throughout our lives to find ourselves in this wonderful place. Let's enjoy it more every day, and live longer.
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  3. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    In simple terms, inflammation is the body's immune system response to damage - it is the process of cleaning up and repairing. When we see it, it is usually red and that is because of increased blood supply in the affected area to enable the body to move materials to that site (as in building new roads to a major construction site). It can be acute or chronic and it can be in response to an external issue or the body treating itself as 'a danger' (in auto-immune diseases). This is a case of where not everything the body does to itself is beneficial. It can be widespread within the body and affect many body organs and tissues, as detailed in my OP on this thread.

    I suggest you read
    https://www.healthline.com/health/inflammation for a very much more detailed view of the subject.

    Insulin resistance is where the body does not efficiently respond to insulin and so the pancreas starts to over-produce it (in the beautifully named 'Islets of Langerhans'). As a link to above, inflammation can be a cause of insulin resistance.


    As in everything, there are thousands of sites on the internet covering these subjects - most of which are accurate but some are not. I just picked two which are detailed and accurate. With your own search you can learn a lot more.

    One point worth mentioning is the obvious one that human evolution has taken place over billions of years (I start from the earliest life forms, as we evolved from them, and not from the time that the first truly humanoid species was recognised) but our diets and activity levels are recent. Add to that the problems caused by exposure to relatively recently man-made chemicals and an increasing life-span and we can see why the body sometimes cannot cope. We cannot evolve quickly enough to take account of recent changes - and perhaps we should not.
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  4. jim787

    jim787 DI Senior Member

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    In science, "theory" refers to an explanation for which there is evidence. Before that, it is only a hypothesis. Theories get revised all the time, based on the "scientific method". For a better explanation, look up Theory on wikipedia.org. Darwin's Theory of Evolution was devised (brilliantly) in advance of modern Genetics, based only on Darwin's observations. He provided mountains of evidence, in several books. But he did not know the genetic mechanism of Evolution. And wow it seems to be undergoing major revision in light of Epigenetics.
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    Last edited: Dec 3, 2020
  5. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    It is so good to see people adding to the Forum instead of those who come here with negative intent.
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  6. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    It probably needs a nutritionist to answer this well - I am not. I can only read various articles and pick out certain facts, then add those to what I already know.

    Obviously this is personal choice - but are you aware that sugar can be addictive as with 'other' drugs? Your "I love sugar" makes me wonder if you are addicted. I think "maybe" all of us need to limit our sugar intake - the consequences for health in consuming too much of this 'drug' are enormous. I would suggest though, as with any addiction, don't go 'cold turkey' but instead gradually reduce your sugar intake.

    I remember a TV item years ago where research showed people favoured foods containing cream and those containing sugar but, most of all, those containing BOTH.

    I found this "The American Heart Association advises capping added sugars at 6 teaspoons (25 grams) per day for women and 9 teaspoons (36 g) per day for men." I have also read that sugary drinks are by far the biggest issue - drinking pure water is best, but do we want to live to 120 with a boring life?

    The biggest factor is avoiding added sugar (the sugar manufacturers put in to make us want to eat more of that product!). I have read some concern about this, as natural sugars (such as fructose in fruits and lactose in milk) are still sugars and so end up as glucose and eventually fats if consumed in excess.

    However, it seems to me to be best practice to consume natural sugars to get the sugar we need in the body as an energy source BUT then avoid adding in sugars chucked at us by food manufacturers - and most definitely to heavily reduce sugary drinks.
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  7. Always a Poppy

    Always a Poppy DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    The answer regarding added sugar (to hot drinks etc) is likely 'none'. There's so much sugar added to manufactured food and drink that you'll already be exceeding your recommended daily intake. Especially here, where it's very hard to find low or zero sugar versions of anything (reflecting the apathy in this society towards the dangers). Want a Coke Zero in McDonalds.....'Sorry Sir, (permanently) not available' etc...
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  8. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Gosh No. at 8+ years (Permanent) but over 20 years toing and froing I am still a Youngster here. there are many that no longer post much that have been here an awful Lot Longer :cigar:
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