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Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by Notmyrealname, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    Interesting reading. I too am a Type 2 diabetic. My understanding is that there is a time to reverse the damage done to the beta cells. This is called the prediabetic phase, but once the cells have been affected they don't come back. If you have to eat a very specific diet to keep your blood sugar down, having a low a1c doesn't mean you aren't a diabetic. Many people can eat all kinds of sugar and the body deals with it. A diabetic is someone whose body doesn't. I wonder if you were prediabetic or your diet keeps you blood sugar low and that is why you don't have elevated blood sugar. Less body fat and exercise is a sure way to reduce your a1c whether diabetic or not.
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