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Best Posts in Thread: Thank God we haven't any human garbage like this here...

  1. barryrio

    barryrio DI Member

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    Reading the above article makes me so grateful that I live in the Philippines and not the UK. I read a lot of criticism on various forums about the way things are in this country and while I accept that things are far from perfect at times I find it hard to imagine such moronic and despicable acts as these taking place over here.

    Back in the pre-enlightened days when I as involved in policing in Liverpool disgusting behavior such as this would have earned the offenders an unpleasant ride in a personnel carrier to the cells following advice and guidance en-route and a visit to the A&E Department for cosmetic repairs. Rant over!
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  2. MikeP64

    MikeP64 DI Forum Adept Veteran Marines

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    I think you overlooked parenting, or the lack of.
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  3. tlrtraveler

    tlrtraveler DI Forum Adept

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    Having been a member of this forum since 2009, Ive seen numerous changes to the format, content and tenor of this site. Your comment regarding “boomers” typifies why your generation is justifiably bashed as a group of self absorbed narcissists. If you still you own this site, you have successfully alienated a significant percentage of your membership. It is comments like yours that certainly make me miss Rudys ownership of the Forum. There is no need to reply to my comment, should you choose to. Im terminating my membership today.
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  4. Always a Poppy

    Always a Poppy DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    I think that's a bit deep an analysis of the specific issue here. Young people in the UK have little respect for anything and as they pass through the period where they feel invulnerable, this leads to this kind of anti-social behaviour in some (not all). That's why I draw the comparison with young people here, and there are similar traits in other countries. I've been in and out (before being permanently in) the Philippines for some years and I can't recall seeing much graffiti, even in Manila. In the UK, graffiti, shattered infrastructure such as bus shelters and litter are an issue ans mainly perpetrated by young people lacking respect or conscience. Parenting is a big issue as you point out. I could have strayed close towards doing some of the anti-social things when a young boy (not violence), but fear of what my dad would have done if I did helped to keep me in check, along with my parents' values. That's very lacking in many UK families now.
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  5. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    “Normal” human beings living a functioning society have 2 backups to prevent such abuse of the vulnerable. First is conscience, which is usually inherent, perhaps reinforced by a moral code that used to be based on religion but something other than that these days. Without religion, people still have consciences; agnostic or atheistic beliefs do not seem to play a role at all. We can’t blame the problem on empty churches. Atheists are fine, well-balanced people who simply don’t believe in God or the Bible. Certainly they don’t need a Bible; that book is intended for preparation into the next life only (which they do not believe exists in any case). The second backup is the law and police enforcement. With two layers of protection, this behavior should never happen. However, for some reason there seems to be pockets of sociopaths in certain areas and who knows what causes them to be sociopathic? Is it drugs? I really don’t think so. Lack of religion? No, as already stated. It actually could be something simple like mental defects due to environmental contamination such as lead in the water, Mercury, or mutagenics that cause abnormal brain function; for some reason, the neuron paths in the brain don’t transmit the messages properly. Who knows? But sociopaths exist in the places you describe and these are mentally defective humans that lack empathy completely. The emotion is just not there; the neuron pathways fail and the result is no conscience. With sociopaths, the first layer of protection is broken, leaving laws and police enforcement as the only protection left. Even normal middle and upper class people can and often do fall into this category. When police are prevented from doing their jobs by politicians, police whose jobs might necessarily include instilling fear as the only available tool, because fear may be the only emotion these people understand (maybe), then there is nothing left to protect the vulnerable from pathological abuse and for them, society has completely failed them, in every way.

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  6. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    Millennial YouTuber of the “groyper wars”, Nick Fuentes, and his millennial generation followers look along this as a generational thing; in many ways, his generation politically embraces old-time values; he calls himself a paleo-conservative, it is a well defined term but not like traditional conservative boomers at all. He will tell you that many millennials grew up that way due to the nonsense “values” and idiotic education that they suffered under their liberal Gen X parents. Boomers are irrelevant to them; however they do generally support Trump’s policies. He has no mercy on Gen X either; for upper thirties to mid fifties, go away you liberal snowflakes! He has a strong following of what they call “groypers” asking , embarrassing questions for example, of millennial mainstream conservative Shapiro about Israeli Policy contradictions in Zionism, during college talks, and also laughing at how liberal politics can be so hypocritical and joking about gay presidential candidates using gayness as some intersectionality issue simply for votes from “virtue signalers” and the like, and, what they really think about Gen-x manufactured theories about the existence of than 2 genders. You ought to watch this person’s movements especially if you think Gen X has any millennial street cred left. Gen X is all ‘timed out”, just as wasted away in history as the boomers. He is a Trump (boomer) supporter but only because of poor choice of liberal candidates. Nick Fuentes’ millennials have intelligently stopped focusing on the old worn-out concepts of liberal vs conservative; it is more of a battle between nationalism vs globalism (something real), of social democracy as vs globalist crony capitalism. They seem to value their 2nd amendment rights and do not blame inanimate objects like guns for killing people. They make hilarious fun of the absurd, several new gender identities but they also seem to prefer Bernie Sanders-style social democracy at the national level and they hate USA crony capitalism, especially when it takes US jobs overseas and destroys US middle class and defense-sufficiency. They know that it is just a conservative red-herring to call sanders a communist; he is not but liberal gen X upper thirties/mid fifties people have brought back the Joe McCarthy years to re-engage the red menace in many levels, with about the same level of intelligent thought that McCarthy had as well. It is interesting to watch the new generation evolve, as politically liberal Gen X and conservative boomers take their rightful place in history’s irrelevancy bin. I am a boomer. Born that way lol. I think the millennials will be incredible leaders in the future.

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  7. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Well we are in a Country that thinks Age is but a number :cookie:
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  8. mattchu5150

    mattchu5150 DI Member

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    As a Gen Xer, I am tired of being categorized as a group. We are raised to be an individual with supposedly the morals passed on by the previous generation (since we were raised by them). The generation classification seems to come from how politics/the wealthy and corruption tends to sway during that particular period. What they deem is ok, tends to becomes the new normal in that period, but i will never drink the Kool-aid of todays politics, it is clearly now a way to continue to erode human rights. I am the father of a 26 year old, sometimes when we talk, she reacts opposite to the way I raised her, hmm how could that be? Then I remind her that 5th place didn't win nor deserves a medal. I hope she passes that on to hers.

    My 2 Cents.
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  9. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    Comparison of the different generations.

    People are products off their environment, so as the environment changes it's silly to think that children raised today would be like children raised 40 years ago. Every previous generation plays a role in the generations that follow. Not for what they do, but for building the foundation upon which they will live their lives. People value something more if they had to work for it then if it was given to them. You need to make people work and at the same time provide opportunity as a reward for that work. Frankly, I think many children today have been spoiled, but who is it that spoiled them?
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    Last edited: May 4, 2020
  10. Show Pony

    Show Pony DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    What makes you think that I am suckling on anybodys teat?
    My retirement started over 10 years ago at the age of 53. I am self financed and don't depend on anyone. Just so you know I have put a couple of kids through College and University so they don't start off behind the 8 ball.

    No not kidding at all. Some kids today seem to think because an old person doesn't know how to use an app they are stupid. Those kids are annoying to say the least. When I started working microprocessors were pretty scarce. WE used bleeding AND gates, OR gates and FLIPFLOPs

    As far as debit goes, yep the past genereations squandered a lot of money, no doubt about that. When it comes to the current generations understanding of finance I don't think they understand very much at all. Answer me this; if they are such financial geniuses why would they spend more money on multiple degrees in subjects like art hsitroy, fine arts basket weaving when it will take them years to recover that "investment". By the way which generation would like the goverment to pay down their student debt.
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