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Best Posts in Thread: Thank God we haven't any human garbage like this here...

  1. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Wirral near Liverpool UK
    +1,181 / 233
    The O/P was highlighting two things in the UK, violence and lack of respect in Society.
    It would be foolish to think that these two subjects don't happen elsewhere including the Philippines.
    The higher up the ladder one perceives to be, the less likely you are to see it, it is the front-liners that see the effects it has on people of all ages.
    For what it is worth, my own obsevation is we now see the "Blame" generation coming through, hence they blame their parents, blame their upbringing and blame Society.
    The fortunate ones are those whose parents have given them hope, encouragement and love, yes it might sound sloppy but they are the ones who are the exception to the "Lost Generation"
    And provided they don't become condescending,( cough cough ), really are the only hope for the future of Humanity and the Planet.
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    Last edited: Apr 28, 2020
  2. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    As a retired BSEE who was part of the original PC development in Boca Raton, I am not impressed at all by the use of “high technology” by many Western millennials today. Chinese, Japanese and other Asian young people seem to have a good grasp on the new technologies they use, but for Western kids it seems to be all plug and play, using technology invented by previous generations with little or no idea as to how it works. Tapping icons on android phones and iPhones lol. America has the tech lead right now but starting with 5G, our lead is being quickly overtaken by smart Asian kids who are not too lazy to learn. Ironically, if they think we are irrelevant, the world of educated young educated technology people wave goodbye as they pass us...yeah, I have to wonder who is irrelevant, kids who cannot spell without a spellcheck program (but whose parents experimented with VOIP tech in their college dorms) or kids who actually design, manufacturer and make great improvements in technologies that the Western kids’ parents invented?

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    Last edited: Apr 28, 2020
  3. Always a Poppy

    Always a Poppy DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    My reasons for leaving UK were similar, except it took me a few more years to get to this point. Like yourself, I've seen my hard-earned taxes squandered and also see the deteriorating standards of society. My wife and I have a 10 yr old son and it was a big decision to take him away from his comfortable life, his friends and his education standard. He didn't want to come to PH, but after 6 months he now acknowledges the things that we explained to him he can enjoy here that will make him a better young person and a better man, following the example of the local youth and taking him away from the chance of getting hitched up with the kind of youths that carry out acts such as started off this conversation.

    We have all made friends here already in the local community, although not yet in the expat community. Being a bit of an introvert myself, it would have taken me years to make any friend relationships in the UK in a new place (unlike the wife, who seems to attract friends like flies to a cowpat!), so a good choice all round.
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  4. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Wirral near Liverpool UK
    +1,181 / 233
    As someone who was born not far from Liverpool city centre, I try to avoid going into it at nightime.
    I reside now, thank goodness, on the opposite side of the River Mersey with a Commercial toil tunnel between. However such is the behaviour at nightime that I dont venture out in nearby Birkenhead neither. This sort of behaviour towards an Elderly person is not common thank God, the Cities of UK tend to be thrown open to nightime revellers and that is when the Policeforce are most stretched, whether thats because of Alcohol or Drug misuse I'm not sure. It is generally quite safe to walk round during daytime hours, but there is always the exceptions. Would I feel safer in London? certainly not!
    There is what I call a lost Generation of young people in UK, these are the types who would hit their own parents, have no respect for teachers ( if they chose to go to school ) no respect for Police or any part of decent society, they are literally rebels without a cause. I would send them to the Boot Camps which would make or break them.
    As my Father use to say......give them the birch or the cat of nine tails ( Nobody use to go back twice for a taste of it in the Isle of Man, till it was banned )
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    Last edited: Apr 27, 2020
  5. hansie

    hansie DI Member Restricted Account Infamous

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    "It's not just Liverpool, It seems it's like that all over the UK."

    Fyi; The same type of vermin exists on the other side of the North Sea as well. Luckily, when the are picked up (and that happens very frequently!) they will appear before a judge right away and they are issued 2 weeks - 3 months sentences without fail. It's know as Swift Justice...
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  6. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    US politics seems to be no longer liberal vs conservative. Some say it is Trump vs US liberal democrats but it goes much deeper than that.

    It seems to me US politics is becoming globalism vs national populism. The old time model of republican and democrats is challenged by democrats buying into many populist views and republicans being influenced by globalist forces.

    Even regular Americans cannot understand US politics anymore but they need to because the old days are not coming back.

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  7. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Yeah, but it is fun get boomers to go full snowflake, a term a significant portion of them commonly used and think applies mainly to younger generations...then listen to them say how such language and sentiment shouldn't be allowed when directed towards them. :wink:
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  8. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Condescending remarks regarding young vs. Old are like comparing Jerry West to Kobe Bryant or Joe Montana to Tom Brady. Like trying to teach a pig to sing. You waste your time and annoy the pig.
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  9. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Wirral near Liverpool UK
    +1,181 / 233
    The O/P was about an incident which happen in UK, just to remind everyone.
    However some of the replies have highlighted the differences in Generational thinking, which begs the question, have we learn't anything from previous mistakes ?
    As a member of the older generation ( still have'nt worked out Boomers, Generation X's Millenniums etc ) certainly some of the old values have disappeared.
    While I recognised the advances in skills and knowledge of the second generation's abilities and indeed the up and coming third generation's grasp of the world today.
    I would say that along the way certain values have been lost, arrogance has replaced humility in society and in manys ways materialization has stolen the lives of the young.
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    Last edited: May 4, 2020
  10. Philpots

    Philpots DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    I go even further back that when nothing came in a plastic pack and the only things with two prongs were resistors capacitors chokes diodes etc and all the rest that had more than two were valves (tubes) for my american friends and reading a circuit diagram took some skill. And if you poked indiscriminately you got a rather nasty jolt and I had a few of those too. Memories Who remembers Kirchhoff any more?
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