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The Middle Name

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by eskirvin, Mar 15, 2021.

  1. NYC

    NYC DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    Ah, no. They are falling apart, too. They could never find my wire transfer (sent two months before expiration) for a 3-year renewal of my SRRV. So, rather than grieve about the $40, I went to Landbank and paid cash, emailed the receipt and no card for months. Dozens of emails. They asked for a copy of the receeipt several times and I sent it each time. A month after the SRRV actually expired they answered an email and said the card was ready for courier shipment. Nothing for another month. More emails and finally LBC shws up with the card and a recepit for the whole 3-year fee, but with a card valid for only one year. More emails asking where's my 3-year card and they want a copy of the 1-years card they mistakenly sent and the receipt that THEY SENT ME! That was two months ago. Nothing.

    Meantime, they did send me a survey to review the PRA. Answering that was satisfying.
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  2. Edward K

    Edward K DI Senior Member Veteran Navy

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    I was refering to the Cebu office, Jackie especially, the only PRA i've ever dealt with in 5 yrs, original and renewal.. Who did you use.??

    Email, phone, Lbc (for original receipt from deposit at landbank, duma and self addressed lbc envelope), nothing took over a few weeks, also nothing after march 2020, duh...
    Edward K
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    Last edited: Apr 2, 2021