Have you read elsewhere here about the lights staying on when switched off? If they are using an LED Bulb, then apparently the LED lights need to be wired differently so when you switch them off they do not stay on (dull glow to noticeable glow like mine)
This seems to quite a problem but we, well (Polaris, Noreco, my Sparky, have all come to the Conclusion not best to use Led lamps where you have Indicator Switches, this seems to be the source of residual power that LED pick up, others have incandescent lamps that blink if outside and this they reckon is due to condensation build up and with the type of Delivery we get here (Hot and Cold supply) this tends to Arc when the switch is Off. I have now put up enclosed outside lamps and the problem has gone, I am NO Sparky but as I told another member recently, I have got now 3 indoor lamps all recessed in the ceiling that are glowing when Off. 5 years now I have had this and it seems they ( the people I have had up to look) just stand and Scratch there Heads. Single switches don't do it, just those that are on a bank and wired between themselves for the indicator Lights. Brian i really think you will have to grin and bear it but I am assured the Voltage use is very, very minimal.
That is the plan mate Our outside lights we have set inside of old Coke Bottles and so far no problem with those using those twisted looking fluorescent lamps, in Oz I liked to use the Quartz Lamps, good light using those, but have not seen those here as yet... I thought I would try some LED lamps assuming that they use less power consumption and the one outside sealed inside a Metal/Glass case glows, yet the one inside fitted to a simple switched outlet doesn't glow, go figure? I am hoping to eventually build our own house here (or maybe buy one already established in a few years time) and hope that a 'foreigner' owned home will use a Fused Meter box with the Safety Fuses instead of the locally preferred direct "Twist'n'Wire" method...
Which power system is available on Negros when metered vs ground? 1x 220V or 2x 110V diametrical? Anyway a bulb still lighting dimm after being switched off is a strange thing. Either is the switch leaking or the wiring leaks somewhere. A three point measuring should show the issue. First meter before the switch to ground. If it is 0, then the switch is mounted in the neutral wire. If it is 110 V then you (should) have a twin phase system. If it is 220 V, then the installation looks better. Now meter at second behind the switched off switch. If you have 220V before the switch, then it should be 0V. If you have any current behind the switch, then it is broken.