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Thinking of moving

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Johnson504, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. Johnden

    Johnden DI New Member

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    I have been looking for schools also; good luck...preplanning is probably pretty important. Most of the people I know there do not have school age children anymore but will help find schools. We just registered on this site yesterday, just to ask about schools. I'll ask FB friends where they went to school in Dumaguete.
  2. Johnden

    Johnden DI New Member

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    That school doesn't sound very good.....would you PM me the name of it....I'll scratch it off ....Perhaps there are better ones there.
  3. Johnden

    Johnden DI New Member

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    Hi PatO....so you've been there 6 years now, or on this site for 6? Yes I've seen and heard both POS an NEG replies and reviews....I def don't expect "things" to be exactly like "where I came from". I'll keep reading through the forum...hopefully to find more POS information instead of neg..and sour grapes...If you can PM me I'll reply back to you...thanks...
  4. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    If you want a discussion on schools, you might start a new thread.

    I have sent kids to Foundation. It has the feel of a place I would be comfortable going to school to if I were a kid.

    I'm skeptical of negative reviews of the schools here as many people don't know what a good education really is. I spent considerable time in Math classes (the same classes emphasized in U.S. schools and colleges today) which seem to be subject to growing criticism as to their usefulness as well as the methods of teaching them.

    When I look back at the classes which really seemed to make a difference to me, there are only a handful and the individual teachers were important in those classes. I have had horrible instructors in both high school and college in which the classes were probably a waste of time. I have also had amazing instructors in both in which the classes were pivotal to my education.

    I guess it's just like a book. Some books can be a waste of time and others can be loaded with life changing insights.

    I can find a good book through reviews and mentions. Any review which contains "changed my life" is a good clue. Ideally we would be able to do the same with courses. Otherwise our time in school is just a crapshoot. The only way I know to get reviews for courses is to go with a web based education. You can then supplement that education with tutors.

    So, I would go with home schooling if I had the time.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    :wideyed: Now that would be interesting to watch.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    Two years to go before our Daughter begins Year 7 and we are trying to find a suitable School around Dumaguete > Zamboanguita that WILL cater for her on an academic level instead of devoting the majority of her time to Sports/Religion like other local schools we have looked into around here. Basically concentrating on; MATH ENGLISH SCIENCE...

    Her current school IMHO is a joke! It seems every week she is home 1 or 2 days due to her Teacher being away for some family matter, or no teachers available to teach classes, and I find it ridiculous that WE her Parents MUST make her School projects for her here at home while she is in school, which she then takes to school and receives marks for which go towards her overall Exam results, WTH??? :o o:

    I remember getting a BIG FAT ZERO as a mark one time when I hurt my hand and my older sister wrote my homework for me regardless it was my work! HOW do they expect a child to learn and prosper by allowing others to do THEIR work for them? I spoke to many who did the same thing and told me that is how it is here, my Wife even tries to explain that "That is how it is here" so I ask her if she plans on going to our Daughter's work to do her work for her to earn a living because THAT IS HOW IT WILL BE HERE if our Daughter does not learn to do things herself and be able to fend for herself one day.

    Many are telling us to look at Science High or maybe Silliman, but each time I try to look for information Sports seems to be the main theme in what I see posted online, I just HOPE we can find somewhere that may teach her the real world skills of hopefully landing a real job here. :o o:
  7. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Brian I don't know where you saw that posted but it is not quite right Science High is a Science based school and Maths/English are there believe me. Our Daughter went there to Grade 10 and Changed to Silliman for the K12 programme mainly because of the Biology and further science that she needs for (She hopes) a career in Forensics. Sports at Both she tells me is a course you can take and only the Fitness part is compulsory. I understand your feelings on the Teacher bit but I feel you will find that at the majority of schools in this DepEd division. Have you thought about West City, ( and change now this coming term) 2 years there may do the job you want, many of the Science High Students came from there, If you need to go private Cittadini is a Good one and on your end of the City just by Robinsons place
    Education is a nightmare I agree, and sometimes it is Trial and error.
    Science high and Silliman have tough Entrance exams for those on lower Grades so I can agree that your Fears are well founded :wink:
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. Dr. Shiva

    Dr. Shiva DI Senior Member

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    Did you checked the Foundation University in Dumaguete? According to my infos I have l, do they have also elementary and high school.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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  9. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    We are HOPING she can get into Science High Jack, but her grades have dropped each successive year to date and I feel that the current education she is (not) getting is to blame, I fear come Year 7 she will not make the grade to get in. We have tried Tutors (School Teachers) but in saying that I feel it is a waste of time as they seem to set work for her by writing lines from a book over and over, no real one on one work, I ask them to teach her advanced lessons so she might be ahead of her classmates when it comes time to cover the topics at hand but they believe it is best to review what she is currently learning, that is not IMO learning, merely rehashing... :o o:

    Thank you for your suggestion, I will try and look into Cittadini. (I am afraid she will most likely not meet the grade criteria come the time for others) We were going to send her to a local Private School here, but speaking to parents who send their kids there, the main focus is on either sports or prayer, neither of which I feel will help her future job prospects unless she wants to become a soccer playing Nun... :rolleyes:
  10. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    I did a quick search and found a Facebook page for Foundation, but again many of the posts there were for wins by Sports teams so scrolled down to the bottom where the page stopped and again assumed Sports is the main focus. I REFUSED to play Sports at school in elementary and high school! I ASKED to do double English/ Math or Science lessons in place of sports as I can see no benefit in working life to play any sport!

    I want my Wife to look into other options during the school break coming up and then try and decide if we continue at the current School for now (I do not like) or change schools (my preference) so *fingers crossed*