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Home & Garden Best Posts in Thread: Tiler recommendation

  1. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    This could be THE National problem - those in charge do not want to look outside the country's boundaries to see what is happening elsewhere (in countries that are, or were, more developed) but consider outsiders as interferers. I am sure most of us have seen the reaction to suggesting something sensible - they either think we are dim or interfering. A good way to learn is to copy what someone has already achieved but they prefer to keep doing things their own way, even if creating a mess - and then tell themselves how clever they are.

    We are on the brink here of a military getting ready to take on China (will last 5 minutes), building a Virology Institute (stay clear!), developing nuclear power (ditto) and entering the Space Race (here is my advice on that one: Whatever goes up (IF it goes up!) can also come down). Better to be realistic and travel the World to learn from their achievements and their failures.
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  2. charlyB

    charlyB DI Senior Member

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    View attachment 19933 [​IMG]

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    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
  3. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    In my opinion? Yes they can be that stupid, it has been said in the past here that most working class Filipinos leave the national School system with an education of no better than a 10yr old in the western world, now mostly these construction workers are worse than even that.

    They are not bad people and in my experience did try their best to do a good job but they have minds much like little children, they are good at patting themselves on the back and to tell you how good they are at their jobs, but really they are just too stupid to know they are stupid, when it comes down to it they have little confidence in their own ability and need to work in pairs even on a one man job, I think they do this for when things go wrong as the often do they can only get half the blame?

    Anyone who has children know they will take advantage of their parents any time they get the chance, site workers are much the same, they also take advantage when they get the chance just as any child would do and even more so if they are working for a Foreigner, after all as they see us we have money coming out of our ears.

    If they are guilty of anything this may be to prolong the job and not kill the Goose but other than that I do not think for one moment they try to Feck things up, this just happens naturally for them.
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  4. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    I'm sure they do it on purpose. My floor tiles are coming lose and sound hollow when tapped. Too bigger job for me to do this, ground floor 150 sm or thereabouts.
    I just haven't the heart to get it done.
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  5. charlyB

    charlyB DI Senior Member

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    I am with Dave on this one, apart from them being useless it's the damage they cause to the things they are not there to work on, below is only 2 examples from a long list....
    1.People who came to do work on our roof managed to drop something and damage the patio tiles (note the object was not dropped from the roof but was as they walked across the patio)
    2.People who came to fit a sunshade canopy managed to break one of our outside wall lights.
    Apart from the damage they always come without all the tools they need and ask to borrow ladders, saws, hammers, shovels and the like and you guessed it these also are returned (if returned) damaged.
    So all in all allowing "tradesmen" to rampage through your property can be a harrowing experience and god forbid if you dare complain about their actions you are then branded as a strict foreigner.
    My best advise is if you can't DIY then do without.
    P.S. sometimes i think they do it on purpose as they can't all really be so stupid.
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